Chapter 58: Ivan

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(Three hundred and four thousand, six hundred and third Quantic Universe Earth, Paris, France, Saturday, March 12th, 2016, third person POV...)

As Marinette writes in her journal, Marinette narrates as the scene switches to her sitting down next to and talking to Ivan Bruel who looks low-spirited as he sits against a locker at Collège Françoise Dupont, as well as clips from Stoneheart: Origins Part 2 as well as The Gamer play out on Marinette's other computer, "Marinette's journal. Saturday, March 12th, 2016. Yesterday, after gym class concluded, I encountered Ivan in the locker room. He was sitting on the floor against a locker, alone, once again. He looked really discouraged. And there's only one reason for that, as I've already lived through this once before back in the original timeline before the events of seasons two, three, four, and five in the show of my life really started to pick up: Ivan was feeling regretful for not entering the school poetry contest just because he was too afraid to share his work. Now, I can understand that, but apparently, he hadn't even thought to share his work with as less people as possible and then working his way up before becoming anonymous in poetry later in life. I told him about my theory, and he looked dumbfounded at my pointers of suggestion and logic. His exact words were, '"Oh. Oh, yeah. That's something a select few poets and writers did on occasion over the years. I remember now. Why didn't I think of that?"' I replied with, gee, I wonder why. Yeah, I didn't want to assume that he wasn't as smart as I was, 'cause that's just mean and he might get Akumatized a third time before Heroes' Day."

In Horrificator, Ivan gives his skull pin to Mylene as he comforts her.

Marinette narrates, "As it turns out, the first prize was two concert tickets to see his favorite rock and roll band, the Zombie Skull Crushers, and he really wanted to take Mylene with him. Now, isn't that just adorable?"

In Stoneheart: Origins Part 2, as Past Marinette comforts Ivan, Present Marinette continues narrating, "I tried to be the best of a friend I could be for him by telling him about the next contest, but he was really bummed out."

Ivan states, "(Sighing) I'm no good with words, in any case."

In another flashback of Stoneheart: Origins Part 2, Ivan furiously storms off after Sydney Babillote insults him as Marinette says, "It's true that he's not much of a talker, but that combined with his bulky figure comprised of muscle and height can sometimes give off the impression that he's a big bully."

Sydney Babillote then says, "Once a monster, always a monster."

In another flashback of Stoneheart: Origins Part 2, Ivan is talking with Mylene as he explains everything, and she hugs him, making him blush in response as Marinette says, "But if you get to know him a little better, you'll rapidly discover that he's a gentle giant. Just the sight of how he is with Mylene makes it crystal clear how gentle and kindhearted Ivan really is."

As a flashback of Miraculous Corps: Origins Part 1 plays out, Stoneheart is on the rampage as Marinette says, "But not all of that is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, if you understand the reference. During the first day of school just this past year, Ivan was the first victim to become Hawk Moth's newest and first ever Akumatized supervillain. When Ivan is turned into Stoneheart, he has super strength, invulnerability due to being made out of stone, and he can become bigger and stronger with each impacting attack from an enemy fist or an enemy weapon, even including the electrical stun bolts of a French police officer's taser pistol. And as I grew to discover the hard way during the Gamer 2.0. incident with Miraculous All-Star Brawl, that even extends to someone like Gorizilla punching Stoneheart hard enough to make him grow to the size of a high-rise building. And this might also be a coincidence, but when my counterparts and my past self forgot to purify Stoneheart's Akuma the first time around – for which I partially blame my counterparts for being unprepared and for not remembering the emergency user's guide in my Bug Phone regardless of whether or not she asked Tikki about it, and also I partially blame Tikki and Plagg for rushing my counterparts, my past self, Adrien's past self, and Adrien's counterparts, and Adrien's over-excitement over being able to taste freedom from his father's homeschooling shackles no matter what excuses about time they have or any excuses about why we have to keep our identities a secret from even each other – the butterfly multiplied and transformed various people all over the city into Stoneheart clones, and when Ivan was Akumatized again, the clones became his army. And in this timeline, when I purified Stoneheart's Akuma the first time around, Hawk Moth made another Stoneheart Akuma before having it multiply and turn people into Stoneheart clones as a bit of a loophole."

As flashbacks of Sparkling Cupid play out, Marinette and Adrien are talking as Marinette narrates, "Besides that, I've actually taken the time to read some of Ivan's poems, and he's really proficient. He could become famous and well-loved, if he has the courage to take the plunge."

As flashbacks of Darkblade play out, Jagged Stone is surrounded by his albums as he pulls out his guitar starts playing it as Marinette says, "And I have an excellent idea for how that can happen... I'll set up a meeting with Jagged Stone. I'm sure that they'll get on the right foot. And, unless I missed my guess, the chances of Jagged loving Ivan's work to the point of wanting to turn it into his next songs are 200 to 200."

As flashbacks from Copycat play out, Marinette sighs in relief as the call goes through as she narrates, "Okay, I'm calling Jagged. I can't wait to see Ivan's face when I tell him about this. But I better be sure to have Ivan's bravery invigorated. Next time I write in you, dear journal of mine, I'll notify you of the details. Marinette's journal entry ending. Bye for now, journal. Signing off."

Marinette then checks her foreknowledge schedule and says, "O-kay, the next webisode in the correct chronological order is Inspiration, the second webisode for Tales of Paris. Hoo, boy. I hope I remember enough of it to get through with it."

Tikki comes up and says, "I'm sure you remember most of it, Marinette. Just believe in yourself."

Marinette takes a deep breath before putting her journal away and then looking at her schedule for something to do next.

The End.

(Author's notes: See you all in chapter 59: Inspiration.)

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