Chapter 111: Hawk Moth and the Akumatized Villains

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(Three hundred and four thousand, six hundred and third Quantic Universe Earth, Paris, France, Sunday, July 10th, 2016, third person POV...)

In Marinette's bedroom, after returning from church services, Marinette is sitting on her bed and she writes in her journal.

Marinette narrates, "Marinette's journal. Sunday, July 10th, 2016. We defeated another Akumatized villain yesterday before dinner. So far, there have been fifty-nine canonical supervillains we've defeated pre and post Heroes' Day, and so far I've kept count.

If someone has a strong negative emotion such as anger, sadness, grief, remorse, jealousy, frustration, anxiety, or even fear, you can bet that Hawk Moth will use it through his dark magic Akuma butterflies to turn that person into a supervillain.

The bigger the intensity of the negative emotions, the stronger the new Akumatized villains will become. Or in laymen terms, the stronger the negative emotions, the more powerful that the Akumatized villains become.

Each of Hawk Moth's newest creations has forced us to adapt and evolve, simply because we'd never know who we have to deal with in accordance to the timeline's chronological order, or how dangerous the Akumatized Herald will be.

We learned the easy and hard ways that appearances can be deceiving. The toughest adversaries aren't necessarily the most impressive ones, and vice versa for the most impressive ones being not necessarily the toughest ones.

By creating his Akumatized villains to fight for him while also choosing not to leave his lair, Hawk Moth had been hiding in the shadows, and he knew that we wouldn't be able to stop him if he didn't show up in person for any reason.

But he did make mistakes, such as with Robostus pulling a Starscream, The Sapotis being deceived by Rena Rouge's illusions because of the fact that they're five, maybe six year old children who love having mischievous fun, and Gigantitan being a one year old baby.

And he even did make the mistake of showing himself in person on the 2016 Heroes' Day, the day that the people of Paris can be ordinary every day heroes for each other while also celebrating the efforts of our superhero army, which he along with Catalyst and Lila almost successfully ruined for Hawk Moth's final push which involved using Catalyst to upgrade himself into Scarlet Moth so he can overcome his one Akuma at a time in one day limit to Akumatize as many villains as he wants, so he can create a supervillain army to draw us out of hiding for a final battle.

Like I said, when his villain army assembled at the Eiffel Tower, he made the mistake of showing up in person while also making the mistake of announcing me and Cat Noir to respectively be alive and not respectively dead and Akumatized despite knowing that that was the sole advantage he needed to Akumatize his army and could've gone on to Akumatize more villains if he didn't bust his own lies, not that I'm complaining, and we fought him with every resource and every contingency plan we had at our disposal, with everything we had conserved for a stealth mission being converted to everything we need for a full-scale brute force assault.

That day, we defeated him and unmasked him as Gabriel Agreste, formerly the greatest fashion designer in the world, and formerly known as Gabi Grassette, former worker of Grassette Friterie, a French fry restaurant that his parents owned and presumably continued to operate even in their elderly years even before they heard us say Scarlet Moth's names on the citywide news.

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