The Planning.

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Jamie's Pov:

“Are you sure this is how you want it to be?” Dixie asks me, tapping her finger on the table.

“Yes, this is how it should be. 90 seconds max, before the cops get to us.” I cross my arms, my eyes scanning hers.

“Alright. Well, I'll get the guys and you can handle the strap. It's gonna be easy in and easy out with your plan.” She winks at me.

I sigh, grunting under my breath.

“Hey.” She utters, rising up from her seat. I look away, shaking my head. Anything to avoid contact.

“Jamie.” She grabs hold of my arm and spins me around, forcing me to look at her.

“What's wrong?” I shake my head, letting my hands fall to my sides.

“I know it's our last. But I don't want you to get hurt.” “I've done this before, Jamie.”

“I know. It could get dangerous. I just…”

“This is a big thing. I know. But it's our big break. We're gonna quit. We're gonna live free.”

“This is crazy, Dee. I'm not even sure why I'm letting you do this with me.”

“Because this is what we do. This is our life.”

I scoff and roll my eyes at her, turning away once again. I dig into my pants pocket and pull out a cigarette and a lighter. I light my cigarette and she appears next to me again.

“Not really. We could do so much better.” “Oh yeah? Like what? A teacher? A doctor? We ain't smart enough for that shit, Jay.”

I smirk and blow a few puffs. She grunts and pulls the cigarette from my mouth, placing them between her fingers. “I hope you haven't forgotten how I feel about cigarettes.”

“I think you've forgotten how much I don't really care about your opinion.”

She rolls her eyes, watching me pull another one from my pocket. I light it in front of her with a smirk, her head shaking at me. “I can't wait to get this over with.”

“Me too.” She throws the cigarette on the floor, stepping on it and walking away.

“Don't worry, Dee. It's gonna be over before you even know it.” She slams the door behind her, echoing the room around me.

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