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August P.O.V
I can't believe Dee is actually being nice to this nigga. After all that, and everything he did to Teri, I just can't forgive somebody that would do that to a female. Chris hesitated to talk to me because of how I looked at him. "Wassup August." I just stood there and started looking around the room.
I looked at Dee and then she gave me a look like 'say something back'. She pinched me and started twisting and that hurt like hell. 

"Damn, alright! Sup." No matter what, Dee gets what she wants.

After a few minutes of silence passed, Chris spoke up. "Look, I know what I did was wrong and there aren't any excuses for what I did. I just want to say I'm sorry." I think Chris is still on medication because that was stupid. 

"Look man, we ain't the ones you need to be apologizing to. When Teri wake up, you need to apologize to her. Better yet, beg on your knees for her forgiveness. After what you did, you need to do some ass kissing."

Chris was quiet for a minute and then he figured out I was right, because I always am. "If that's what it takes I'll do it. I just want to make things right with her and you guys. I still want to apologize because I put you through it too."

Dee claimed she forgave him, but I don't believe that. I'm different when it comes to stuff like that. You have to earn everything back before I even give an answer. "I'll think about it." Dee tried to pinch me again but I dodged it. I didn't see the punch to the stomach coming though. Why she gotta be so violent?

"Aight, I accept halfway." Dee and Chris looked at me for a while. "What? It's better than 'I'll think about it'. Be grateful." We talked a little bit before we left out to get something to eat. After that we went home and hoped Teri woke up the next morning.

Comatose state

Teri P.O.V

I've been stuck like this for- actually I don't know how long it's been. Days, weeks, months, years? I can't move, I can't talk, the worst of all is I can't eat. I'm hungry and I can't eat! It's pitch black but I can hear everything around me. I thought this is sleep paralysis because the same things happen. All I had to do was relax and then I'll wake up, right? I was wrong. 

I don't know how long it's been but I couldn't wake up. At some point I heard Dee's voice right beside me. I wanted to talk back but I couldn't. I tried moving, but it felt like there were 100 tons weighing me down. After a while she left, and then I heard some doctors come in. 

One of them said it's already been 2 days and I still haven't woken up. 2 days?! I have to wake up before they cut off my life support. I've seen those movies where someone ends up in a coma and the evil doctors give them a short amount of time and then they kill them in their sleep. Wait, I'm in a coma? Those movies lied! I haven't seen a light at the end of a tunnel, and I definitely haven't seen heaven! Shame on them. Focus, I need to wake up.

What should I do? Okay, I'm gonna relax like I'm trying to make myself go to sleep. Hopefully I will eventually wake up. I finally relaxed and it felt like I was dozing off. I guess I went to "sleep". Then, everything got so bright I couldn't open my eyes.

I moved my hands slowly towards my eyes to cover them from the overhead light. Wait, I moved. I'm awake! Hell yeah! I still can't open my eyes though because they were closed so long my eyelids are stuck together. I rubbed them a little and finally I could see. It took a while for my eyes to get adjusted to the light but I managed to look around.

I couldn't remember what happened for me to end up in a coma but I felt like it was coming back. I sat up- well tried to but failed. My arms are so weak right now. After looking like those old people trying to stand up using a walker for a while, I finally sat up. I checked to see if I was amputated or something. Thank God I wasn't. My leg was in a cast though and I had a few stitches and wraps on my arms.

What happened to me? I looked over on the table and saw a report written by one the nurses. "Comatose state caused by extreme loss of blood. Bullet wound to the leg. Bullet removed. No bones fractured. Expected time to be awake is _________."

They didn't expect me to wake up? Or did they try to save paper? Oh god, they were probably going to kill me just like in the movies. 

During my inner rant to myself about the nurses trying to kill me, a nurse walked in. "Everybody, she just woke up!" Why you gotta yell? My ears are sensitive enough as it is. I do not need to be here any longer than I need to. 

"Could you keep it down please? " At that moment everybody rushed in and started hugging each other and cheering. 

What is wrong with these people? Oh I get it. They're happy because they don't have to worry about being sued because of a dead patient. Shame. Well, no quiet time for me. I guess the head doctor walked in because everybody got quiet. "Alright, everybody go back to your stations. I know this is a joyous occasion but please act like the educated group of nurses I know you are."

Well damn, I felt that one. The doctor told me he needs to run a few tests and after that I will have to stay here for a few more days to fully recover. Except for my leg of course. After he left, I started to remember what happened before I got here.

I even started to remember what happened a few days before what happened. Why did I even try to save him? He did me so wrong but I still tried to save him. I cared. Come to think of it, he got hurt too. He probably got out a long time ago and fled town. Why should I care? He's the one who hurt me. The more I thought about what happened, the more in denial I was. A quiet room is a dangerous place to be left alone with your thoughts. 

Are they gonna bring me food? I mean I've been starving for a while and I would really like some chicken right about now. I heard the door open so I thought the nurse was ready to stick me with needles. I faked like I was asleep because, who likes needles?

Turns out it was just Dee and August. I still faked like I was sleep because I thought it would be funny. I think Dee started crying after a few minutes. "She has to wake up, she just has to." I don't want my poor baby crying so I popped up. "Good morning!" Both of them looked surprised and kept that face for the longest time, I thought I broke them. Human.exe has stopped working.

"Oh my god! I thought you would never wake up!" Dee tackled me and started squeezing me really hard. 

"Hey! Watch the leg and the arms!" She apologized and just stared at me. "Hello, earth to Dee. Snap out of it." August came up and smacked her ass so hard I felt it. 

"Ow, nigga that hurt!" I couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Hey Teri, how you doing?" I had to recover from laughing for a bit. 

"I'm hungry." 

Dee decided this would be a good time to crack a joke. "When are you not hungry?" I just mean mugged her because that doesn't even deserve an answer. "Well now that we got that out of the way, somebody is here to see you."

I gave a confused look and started thinking who else would come and see me. "I'll let you find out for yourself." The suspense is killing me just tell me who it is. I heard the door open and I was shocked to see who it was.



To be continued...
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