An Old Friend

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Sorry, Procrastination is my middle name. Anyway back to the story. There's a picture of cute puppy on the side to make you happy :)

Teri P.O.V

  Today's the day I have to meet with my so-called lawyer. Nobody was home so I just got ready and ate some breakfast before I left. I guess I was too early because it was practically empty except for the few lawyers that were already there. I still went in to see if he was there or not.

  I started looking around and the lady at the reception desk asked, "How may I help you?" I walked over to the desk.

"I'm looking for a Luis Gonzales." She looked down at her computer then looked back up at me.

"He's with a client right now, but their meeting will be over with in a few minutes. Did you make an appointment?" Dang. I knew I was supposed to be doing something.

"No, I forgot to call in yesterday."

"That's fine. What is your name?"

"Teri James."

"I'll let him know you're here. Go have a seat over there." I walked over to the seating area and sat down. I started to get sleepy again because the chair was too soft. As soon as I was about to fall asleep, the receptionist called me.

"Teri James." I jumped a little bit and started looking around.

"What happened?"

"(laughs) He's ready to see you now."

"Oh, thank you."

  I followed her to his office and after a while, I got tired. That's too many stairs to climb. I know,why didn't you take the elevator? Well, she told me that the elevator shut down and we had to take the stairs. Honestly, I think she did that shit on purpose. 

  When we finally got to the 5th floor; yes the 5th floor, she turned around and got on the elevator! The Fuck?! First of all, she left me to find which office is his and second of all, she used the damn elevator! I found the door no thanks to her, which was alllllll the way down the hall. I knocked on the door and waited.

  I heard a voice on the inside say, "Come in." I slowly opened the door because I was a little nervous. I never had to talk to a lawyer by myself before. "Hi, I'm Teri James and-"

"Listen, I don't have all day- wait a minute." Rude. But cute.


"Teri James?"

"Yes." I'm starting to get scared now. He started walking towards me with a confused look on his face. He stared at me for a minute then spoke up.

"You don't remember me do you?"

"Uh, I don't think so." Trust me, if I met someone as fine as him, I would remember.

"We went to elementary school together. Pre-K through 2nd grade to be specific."

"Nope. Doesn't ring any bells."

"Look at that picture on the wall. You gave that to me in 2nd grade before you left." I went over to the picture to see if I remembered it. It said, "Lazy Buddies For Life." Wait a minute, it's starting to come back.

"Lazy Luis! I remember you now! Why do you still have it after all these years?"

"I always believed that it gave me luck. I still believe that." He paused for a minute. "Well, enough of that. What do you need?"

"I'm being sued." Weird first conversation between long lost friends.

"For what exactly?" Oh great, I have to tell this long ass story.

"It's a long story so I'll just give you the important parts. I fought this girl in a restaurant, keep in mind that she hit me first, and then I fell on some glass and lost a lot of blood, and she still wants to press charges even though she has no injuries." He looked like he was in deep thought. 

"So, how much does she want?"

I mumbled, "One million." I put my head down because even I know that's a ridiculous amount of money for somebody that didn't have to go to the hospital.

"How much?"

"One million."

"That's ridiculous." Right.

"That's what I said."

"I'll see what I can do."

"How much do I need to pay you?" If he's as good a lawyer as everyone says, I know for a fact he's not cheap.

"For you, 95 an hour. Are you able to pay that?" That's not so bad. I'm pretty sure we won't be in court for over 4 hours, so that's like $380.

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you."

"Let me know the rest of the details of the case  when you get a chance."

"I will. Thanks again."

"No problem."

  I left out of his office and headed home. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

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