Chapter 3

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Trigger warning: Mention of being Hypersexual due to the abuse Margaret has been getting from Ricardo! But back then it was hard to tell or even common due to their time period!


It has been a couple of years since then, at this moment she was conflicted on what to do with her relationship with Ricardo, like she feels like she loves him but not at the same time. She just wanted to make him happy. But lately she has been feeling sexual urges ever since the last time Ricardo did such a thing to her. She didn't know why but she kept feeling guilty and regrets about having these weird feelings, as she started to tear up from it not sure what to do at all.

Ricardo on the other hand was at Angelo's house where they would usually get together in private so basically he has been cheating on her with her own brother. The reason why in private since it was really uncommon to see a same sex couple back then but if someone did see one, they would probably execute on site. But still it was wrong for him to cheat on his own wife, isn't he just the fucking worst?

Alastor on the other hand, after his mother was murdered by his father and after he killed his father, he started killing people as he felt pleasure while doing so. He met Mimzy awhile later and decided to have both Mimzy and his other gal pal Margaret meet so they could become good friends as well. It has been awhile since he saw her, before he tried to visit her a few times before but Ricardo stopped him by saying she was busy, since he didn't see Ricardo in the bar area where he was working with Margaret, he decided to go in with Mimzy and saw Margaret just cleaning a glass at the bar counter since Ricardo wasn't here.

"Hello my dear Margaret!" Alastor said with a smile as he waves at Margaret as well.

"Oh my! Alastor?? What brings you here??" Margaret asked as she turned to see both Alastor and Mimzy.

"I decided to pay you a visit! Sorry for not seeing you more recently, your husband kept telling me that you were busy.... You sure he isn't hurting you?" Alastor asked in such a worried fatherly tone even though he hasn't realized it yet.

"Of course not..! He says he loves me so we are good..!" Margaret said as she was sadly believing those manipulative lies from Ricardo.

"If you say so my friend... Also I would love for you to meet Mimzy! I met her awhile back! I thought I should get you two to meet up and perhaps be friends?" Alastor said with a greeting smile.

"Hello! It's so nice to meet another one of Alastor's friends! Well to be honest I don't think he has many friends unless it's us ladies, well he is just so handsome! Who wouldn't want to be friends with him??" Mimzy said in her usual voice as she reached for a handshake to Margaret.

"It's nice to meet you as well!" Margaret said with a smile as she shook her hand.

Alastor then noticed Margaret's face, she looked like she hadn't slept in days and he grew concerned. But then Ricardo entered the bar as he quickly noticed Alastor by Margaret as he quickly went towards her with a fake smile.

"Hello my lovely wife of mine? I thought you were supposed to be working?" Ricardo said as he was trying to keep a smile up.

"Well you weren't here so I decided to run the bar until you came back...." Margaret said as she was telling the truth.

"Good... Now go back to singing on stage to work" Ricardo said as he held onto her shoulders tight and gently pushed her to the stage before turning back to Alastor and Mimzy. "Sorry but she's busy now"

"I don't believe you... Tell me the truth.... Are you hurting my friend?" Alastor said as he glared at Ricardo.

"I assure you.... That I would never... Now leav—" before Ricardo could finish his sentence, he saw Margaret's dad walking in to find Margaret. He looked pissed as he saw Margaret about to sing, he went to her and slapped her face. Alastor quickly took notice of this and was instantly reminded of his own father, that his face went dark as he stared as he glared at the man.

"What the fuck?! Your brother told me that you were with another guy when you were married! What are you trying to do?! Ruin the family name?!" As he said that he smacked her again, which made customers immediately run out or just talk to each other about this.

"But dad...! I would never date someone else..! I only have a guy as a friend..!" Margaret said as tears fell down her face.

"Bullshit! No girl could be friends with another guy!" He said as he pushed her to a wall before heading out to go take a walk in the woods.

Alastor glared at the man before looking back at Mimzy with a smile.

"Mimzy! Could you be a dear and make sure Margaret is ok? I gotta do something real quick!" Alastor said as he went out before waving at Mimzy and followed Margaret's dad secretly.

Once Margaret's dad was in the woods taking a walk, Alastor then snuck up to him before grabbing something big enough to knock this guy out as he quickly took a swing at it and knocked him out. He then drags Margaret's dad to his house, luckily for him, his house was just in the bayou where no one could ever find out what happened to his victims. He then went in the shed and tied up Margaret's dad to a dried up bloody table.

Alastor was getting his weapon ready as he waited for Margaret's father to wake up, once he picked the perfect weapon which was a knife, he put on his bloody apron and turned around to see Margaret's dad waking up.

"Where the fuck am I?!"

"Oh.... Your worst nightmare..~" Alastor said with the most, creepiest smile.

"The hell are you?!"

"Well just a good friend to your daughter.... But you don't seem to treat her as one.... You remind me of my father.... And I don't take kindly to people who claim to be "dad's" when in fact they are shitty fathers.." Alastor said as he put the knife to his throat as he gave an angry look.

"You are fucking insane if you murder me!"

"Oh but I am insane!~" Alastor said as he stabbed Margaret's dad's arm and even slit his arm as well making him feel so much pain before he dies. He screamed in pain as he tried to get out but couldn't since Alastor tied him up.

After a few torture methods later, Alastor then cut up Margaret's dad's body parts and puts them in his fridge he had in his shed to save it for a meal later. If he even tastes good that is.

Meanwhile back with Margaret, Mimzy went to her to help her with the fresh bruises she got from her father.

"Your father is seriously a bitch for treating you like this!" Mimzy said as she was able to find cotton balls and put it on her face where the bruise was at.

"It's no problem at all....! He just takes things way too seriously...." Margaret said as she frowned.

"Listen girl, you shouldn't take in anyone's shit at all especially from your father or anyone or treated you wrong, just stay strong I suppose!" Mimzy said as she didn't know what else to say.

"Thanks.... Anyways... Where did Alastor go?"

"I honestly have no idea, he went somewhere."

After they talked for a while, Ricardo then saw them come out from the restroom as he went to Margaret.

"Oh hun, I have no idea your father would do such a thing!" Ricardo said as he pretended to care.

Margaret just stayed quiet, then Ricardo told her to meet up in their apartment so she did so. Ricardo then locked their door as he kissed her by force and pushed her on the bed.


Afterwards, Margaret turned to the other side of the bed, she felt like she enjoyed it but at the same time.... She felt guilty and regretted that she even enjoyed it. She had no idea why that is but all she did was cry in bed to herself wondering what to do.

To be continued!

Also don't worry.... Ricardo's death is next but later in the future sometime, hehe. Sadly after his death, Margaret dies soon after, even her brother. Not going to spoil the details of how it went until later when it comes.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter!

"The literal hell of Margaret's life...." Hazbin Hotel OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now