Chapter 4

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I'm going to add some scenes of Ricardo and Angelo so you guys could see their relationship with each other. And I may do quite a timeskip, just before their death that is.


It was the morning, Ricardo didn't come home but instead he was still secretly sleeping with Angelo. Angelo was sleeping on his bed while Ricardo was awake looking out through the window as he was smoking a cigarette.

Angelo woke up and noticed Ricardo before going to him and was hugging him from behind.

"Is there anything wrong, Ricardo...?" Angelo asked as he was still hugging him.

Ricardo sighs as he blows smoke from his cigarette then says, "Well your father has been missing for a couple of years now.... And your damn slut of a sister won't take your father's money just because she thinks he might be fucking alive, bullshit. If he was missing for this long, he is most likely dead!"

"Well I could always get the money instead?" Angelo then suggested but Ricardo shook his head.

"You know that won't work.... They would ask the one who is married and society won't ever accept us y'know? You do realize they would ask if you have a wife, right?" Ricardo then reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah I know...." Angelo said as he held onto Ricardo tightly.

"Don't worry... We could always continue meeting up like this~" Ricardo said as he put out his cigarette before putting it down on the ash tray as he turned around and kissed Angelo before making out with him.


Meanwhile back with Margaret, she had two children she gave birth to a few years back due to Ricardo's sexual assault towards her, she was taking care of them before getting them ready for school and then heading off to school as.she told them goodbye, before heading to the bar to drink, that's when he found Alastor just sitting on a bar stool.

"Oh hey Al, the place was closed y'know?" Margaret said as she poured herself a whiskey and even poured Alastor a cup as well.

"Well I thought you needed a friend to talk to my dear!" Alastor said with a smile.

"Thanks Alastor... B-but you shouldn't be here...." Margaret said as she looked around a bit afraid of Ricardo coming back and seeing Alastor.

"Don't worry about it my dear!" Alastor said as he grabbed the cup Margaret gave him and took a sip.

"If you say so..." Margaret said as she took a sip from her whiskey, she really needed a drink from all of what happened to her and Ricardo and even her taking care of her children as well, which stressed her out even more.

After a while, Margaret had a couple of drinks before breaking down, that was when Alastor got worried for his friend as he quickly went to her side.

"My dear friend.... What's wrong..?"

"I... I just.... I don't know if Ricardo really loves me or not.... He says he does but I don't know..... If I don't listen to him.... He would hit me... Or do stuff to me.... Sometimes I do feel great when he does but at the same time... I wonder what is wrong with me.... And the reason why I don't hang out or talk to you is because he would get angry with me and call me a slut just because I have a guy friend.... Then there are some nights where he just leaves and doesn't come until the next day... I feel like he might be cheating but I don't know...." Margaret said as tears fell down her face, she was still a bit tipsy from all that whiskey though.

"Hey... My dear... I'm glad you got it out of your system...." Alastor said as he gave his friend a comforting hug as he thought about killing the man who hurt his friend. "Hey Margaret... How would you feel about Ricardo dying...?"

"The literal hell of Margaret's life...." Hazbin Hotel OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now