Chapter 7

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After Margaret's encounter, Ricardo told her to go meet up with him with his father and even told Angelo to go with her so she doesn't try to escape. When Margaret went off with Angelo by his side.

".... Why the fuck are you friends with that fucking abuser Angelo?!" Margaret angrily said to him.

"... He is not an abuser Margaret! Don't call him that! He is... Uh... Just my friend...." Angelo then lied about calling Ricardo his friend.

"... Ugh you know nothing...." Margaret said as she rolled her eyes, then she noticed Alastor walking towards her with someone who had a toothy smile. "Hm? Alastor?"

"Margaret my dear! There's someone you should meet since it is really important for you and her to reunite!" Alastor said with a smile as he leans on his cane.

"Oh?" Margaret said as she was going towards him until Angelo stopped her.

"My dear sister, I think we should get going now.... Shall we?" Angelo said as he just gave Margaret a look.

"... Yeah... Sorry Alastor.... Maybe later...?" Margaret said as she remembers that she was on Ricardo's leash now even though she didn't like it.

Alastor had a bad feeling about this, somehow had a bad feeling about her brother even though he hardly knows anything about him. "I see... Remember my dear, if you are ever in trouble, you can always tell me, alright?" Alastor then convinced Margaret. She smiled then nodded before walking off with Angelo. Once they were further away from Alastor, Angelo decided to speak.

"Don't speak to him again, especially for Ricardo's and our father's sake.... Besides that fucker killed our dad for no reason.... Dad told me by the way...." Angelo strictly told her.

"Maybe dad deserved to be murdered by Alastor...." Margaret then said not regretting what she said.

"... Don't say that, he is our dad! Now let's go" Angelo said as he headed towards his father's place as Margaret rolled her eyes.


Once they made it to their dad's place, Ricardo was inside talking to Margaret's father.

"So I got her... Anyways where is the money you promised me when we joined our business partnership together?" Ricardo then said. Margaret's father had the same skin color as Margaret and Angelo except the only difference is that he wasn't some sea creature, he kinda looked more like a normal sinner and he had some lines across his body where Alastor had harmed him when he was alive.

"When I see her then I will, alright? Since she actually got married to you while my own son still haven't found a fucking wife for him yet" Margaret's father said as he rolled his eyes. Ricardo awkwardly nods since he was basically cheating on Margaret with her brother after all but of fucking course he wouldn't tell her father that.

Then Margaret came with Angelo, her father came up to her.

"Since you are here... Let's discuss business shall we?" Margaret's father said as he leads them the way to the meeting room. Ricardo followed along with Angelo and Margaret.

Margaret was slouching as she hated this so much. Then they made it to the dining area as Margaret sat down further away from both her father and Ricardo.

"Hey, get your ass over here dumb bitch!" Margaret's father then yelled at her.

"Tch, go get killed by Alastor again asshole!"

"You little bitch..." Margaret's father got up and went to her as he slapped her face before grabbing her arm and threw her towards Ricardo. Margaret glares at Ricardo as she bites his arm making him bleed a bit.

"Ow! You fucker!!" Ricardo said as he yelled.

"Don't treat your husband like that damn bitch!!"

"The fuck you mean husband?! HAH! He is literally fucked up in the head!! Do I need to explain more?!" Margaret said as she was literally losing it as she was starting to laugh like a crazy woman.

"You are fucking insane" Margaret's father rolled his eyes as he pays Ricardo before walking off to get some paperwork.

"Heh... You fucking whore.... You think he would believe you?! Ha! Fuck no! And now I'm going to punish you for this~" Ricardo then grabs Margaret's face as he forcefully kisses her, Margaret was trying to pull away but Ricardo had his grip on her, she eventually started to tear up, hating this every minute.

To be continued!!

Sorry for it being short, tbh idk if I should say to enjoy it... Because of what Ricardo just did.... Anyways, the next chapter might be a song btw! So be prepared for that!

"The literal hell of Margaret's life...." Hazbin Hotel OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now