Chapter 13: where the fang strikes

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In Kuo Kuana, Kerry was fighting Taco and Jeff.

Kerry who was weirded out by the fact he didn't bleed from the attack during the speech was something that got on his mind for a while, which he asked Taco and Jeff to hit him as they wanted.

As Kerry got hooked in the face, he felt it but had no bruise.

"Guys, I still don't have an injury," Kerry said.

"Really? Guess you got aura," Taco said.

"Aura, waitwaitwait, aura? As in the stuff warriors have?" Kerry said.

"Seems like it, Sun and Blake have it, so it's that," Jeff remarked.

"Christ, i don't... wait if i have an aura, then i have a semblance?" Kerry said.

"Then break some stuff," Taco said.

Kerry looked to see the trees in front of him, which he clenched his fist and charged at the trees.

In a second he cut a tree in one slide.

"Holy!" Taco said as he and his brother were in shock.

Kerry's semblance had suddenly activated, it had created an exact copy of mantis blades.

Just then the mantis blades dematerialized and changed into gorilla arms where he used them to punch a tree, damaging it before he suddenly created a replica of a projectile launcher and shot the tree.

As the smoke cleared, Kerry was stunned by the damage he did. "No way!" he whispered.

"You don't have arm implants?" Jeff asked.

"I don't but... this is my semblance..." Kerry said, looking at the glowing powers on his arms, till they disappeared.

Just then Kerry's comms came through, which Panam spoke, "Kerry, need you help with this one, think you're up to it?"

Kerry meditated for a moment before he spoke, "yeah, i'll meet ya"

Soon the three made it to the belladonna house, where they met Panam, Blake and Sun.

"Hey, how was the training?" Sun asked.

"It was something," Jeff said as he and Taco entered the house.

"So where to?" Kerry asked.

"We're going for the nocturnal faunus, to see if they are willing to join the cause," Blake said.

"Sounds like a plan," Kerry said.

As they walked, Panam grabbed him and pulled him in to whisper in his ear. "Get ready for shit to go down, Blake's been called out by the spy from the speech."

Kerry nodded and followed the plan.

Soon Blake arrived at the location, while Sun, Kerry and Panam were in hiding.

"Ilia?" Blake called out.

"I'm here," Ilia said as she walked out from the shadows with her hands up and disengaging her camouflage.

"Ilia, I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. My family and I, we can keep you safe," Blake said

"I'm sorry," Ilia said.

"You can make it up to me by helping us stop Corsac and Fennec," Blake pleaded.

"No." Ilia said as her tone turned hostile, "I'm sorry." where her right hand curls up into a fist.

Blake looks up from a sudden sound, only to see bat faunus fly down and land on her back, forcing her to the ground.

Blake gasps from the impact, struggles to get up but the bat faunus presses his foot against her back. He gets off her as two more Faunus join him.

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