chapter 17: school problems P2

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"You bastard!" V shouted as he ran at Cinder.

Cinder then used her powers to create a sword, but V used the katana he grabbed and clashed with her.

"V, we meet again," Cinder said with a smirk on her face.

"shut up... Who gave you permission to come back? Gonks like you deserve to be flatlined and burned to ashes," V said with a tone of anger in his voice.

Cinder's smirk didn't change, but he noticed Razor in CInder's eye, making him quickly disengage and tuck and roll.

"Razor!" Cinder said. "Buy us some time."

"No need to ask; I'm already on it," Razor replied as he sprinted towards V.

Meanwhile, Oscar, Nora, and Johnny were trying to wake unconscious Ruby up.

"kid! Kid! Wake up!" Johnny said, tapping Ruby on the cheek.

"Ruby, get up! Get up!! We need you!" Oscar pleaded.

Ruby was starting to stir.

"Ruby! You," Oscar could say.

"OZPIN!!!!" the large man shouted in anger.

Johnny looked at the large man, then at Oscar, and spoke, "You know him?"

Oscar said, "Hazel."

"You thought you could hide from me!" Hazel yelled in anger.

Hazel then began to rip his coat off, then grab lightning dust crystals from a couple of pouches on his legs.

"Oh fuck," Johnny said as he realized Hazel was about to attack.

"You'll pay for what you did! You'll die over and over again!!" Hazel shouted before stabbing the lightning dust into his arms, where his blood vessels turned yellow and popped out from his skin, as well as having some lightning coat them. His eyes glow yellow, and he lets out an intimidating roar.

"What the fuck?" Johnny exclaimed, "Oscar, run!"

Hazel leaped forward and charged at Oscar, but Johnny tackled Oscar out of the way just in time, followed by Qrow fighting Hazel.

"Ozpin is here?!" Cinder hissed as she recalled killing him before.

"Is that a problem?" Raven asked.

"I'm not sure, but right now we have the upper hand. Let's not waste it," Cinder said. She then looked at Lionheart, who was on the ground, and spoke, "Leo! Open the path to the vault!"

Lionheart did as he was told, placing his pocket watch in the small niche in the statue's chain, where the statue lowered to the floor.

Yang looked at everything that had happened around them until Nora shouted. "Stop them! We've got your team covered!"

Yang lingered a bit before heeding Nora's advice, but then she got kicked to the ground by Mercury, later joined by Emerald.

"You want to get to them? You're going to have to get through all of us," Emerald said.

In the mists of it, V noticed Yang in trouble, and he waited for a Tygerclaw goon to throw a punch before punching them in the gut before lifting the goon up over his head and tossing him towards Emerald and Mercury.

As the goon flew towards Emerald and Mercury, they quickly dodged out of the way, where V ran to them and swung the katana at them.

"Yang, I'll deal with them," V said.

while Oscar was dodging Hazel's attacks with all his strength and skill.

Johnny was helping him by rolling and running to distract Hazel.

"Hey, big guy, over here!" Johnny yelled, hoping to divert Hazel's attention away from Oscar.

But in the fight, Hazel managed to land a punch, knocking Oscar several feet into a column.

"Oscar!" Johnny exclaimed.

Johnny then looked to see Hazel charging towards him with a menacing look in her eyes. When he swung, Johnny glitched out and fazed through the punch.

"That's the best you got?" he taunted.

Hazel then let out a frustrated growl, lunged forward, and grabbed him.

Johnny, who was in his semi-digital form, pretended to struggle as she tried to hold onto him, but in reality, he was completely in control.

"You think you will stop me from killing Ozpin?" Hazel said it with a growl.

"You know, wanna know the only problem?" Johnny smirked.

"What is that?" Hazel said as his grip tightened on Johnny.

"I'm a dead man," Johnny said, before glitching out of Hazel's grip and kicked him in the face.

Hazel stumbled back and looked at Johnny, who stood there with a sinister grin on his face.

"A dead man? How are you here?" Hazel said as he got up.

"ever heard of the Arasaka bombing?" Johnny asked with a sly smile.

Hazel was confused about what Johnny was insinuating until he noticed Johnny's silver arm. "Johnny Sliverhand is Night City's most notorious terrorist," Hazel said.

"Rebel is more like it," Johnny replied with a wink.

"So why is a terrorist like you helping Ozpin?" Hazel questioned.

"Tell you the truth: Ozpin and I have one thing in common, and that is that we both share a body with another consciousness," Johnny replied.

Hazel then let out a roar and charged towards Johnny with his fists raised, but when he slammed down, he jumped in to stop the attack, but the shockwave of the attack knocked the trio down.

As they got back up, Qrow engaged in combat with Hazel.

"What was he talking about?" Oscar said he was confused.

"Tell him, Ozpin! Tell him how you KILLED HER!!" Hazel said.

"Her?" Oscar and Johnny said it in unison.

Soon Oscar only heard what Ozpin could say, and Johnny spoke, "What did he say?"

Oscar looked at Johnny and answered, "He said Hazel's sister enrolled in Beacon but died before she could graduate."

"You know now!" Hazel said as he tossed Qrow aside. "You can forgive me for what I'm about to do." As he approached Oscar, Johnny drew his pistol.

"Did she know?" Oscar asked.

Those words made Hazel stop in place.

"Did she know the risk of being a huntress?" Oscar spoke out.

Johnny knew those words weren't the right ones to say to an enraged opponent.

"She was only a child! She wasn't ready!!" Hazel shouted.

"She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I," Oscar said.

Hazel just glared at him and spoke, "Then you've chosen death!"

Just then Oscar's eyes glowed, and his body fell to the ground as Ozpin took control over Oscar's body.

"OzzzzPIIIIIIIIN!!!!" Hazel yelled in rage.

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