20. Controlled Dreaming

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Visenya and Ned are talking about her time helping house Mormont when she sees Robb carrying away a pouting arya

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Visenya and Ned are talking about her time helping house Mormont when she sees Robb carrying away a pouting arya.

"You have wonderful children. You did a good job"
Ned looks at her softly
"I would say Robert raised you good but I know it was also Ser Barristan"
He laughs and Visenya nods.

"I wish he could have come with us but he is busy with Jamie's absence in the kings guard"
Ned nods his head knowing how it is to do duty instead of what he wants.

The night feast ends and everyone
gets to bed.
The heir writes a quick letter to ser barristan telling him when he found the time if he can go to her favorite blacksmith in kings landing asking for a heavy armor and a list of things she wants on it is on her desk in her chambers.

She wants to be ready for a war as the bad feeling in her stomach is getting heavier.

Visenya lays in only her underwear and can hear her own calm heartbeat as she try's to sleep.
She concentrates on the feeling in her chest and the sound when suddenly the drumming from her heart switches

To drumming from drums in the same rhythm that becomes faster till it makes a more music like beat.
She hears people and feet shuffling before she opens her eyes and sees dancing, drinking and fucking?

She isn't sure but starts to look for her silver haired beauty knowing it's a dream about her again.
Visenya walks through the crowd and sees Daenerys sitting next to a big man with long hair and blue war paint.

They have gifts all around them viserys is sitting near them with a drink in his hand looking pouty as it's not about him and Visenya sits on the other side of Daenerys and whispers not knowing the woman can hear her.
"Hey love, looks like I came right on time"

Daenerys leans a bit more into the left side feeling a warm presence there and hearing the whisper.
Visenya leans forward looking at the khal and sees his scar on his eyebrow so she leans back and whispers to dany again but this time a bit jealous.
To Visenya it's a new feeling and she didn't like it.

"My scar is way better then his"
Daenerys has to stop herself from smiling as she found it amusing what the woman from her dreams whispers beside her.

Someone comes up with a box full of snakes making Daenerys gasp.
While Visenya looks at the beautiful animals.
She always liked snakes and wished to have one as a pet when she was little.

She sees women dancing and men fucking them she can't really say if the women like it or pretending to.
A man rips another one from a woman he is fucking and starts fighting him.
One of the men dies from a cut in his stomach where some of his organs fall out.
The winner goes back to fucking the woman.

While khal looks like he is turned on by it with a big grin.
Daenerys looks like she is about to puke so Visenya softly strokes her back in circles.
Dany sighs out in a bit of relief.

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