77. Forgiveness?

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A week has passed since their private wedding and the realm was calm

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A week has passed since their private wedding and the realm was calm.
A bit to calm for Visenya who was looking out for any signs of danger even when Alys and Daenerys called her paranoid.
Alys wanted to visit Winterfell with Arya but for the first time in her life Visenya forbid her to leave kings landing which shocked her.

The said queen had bad dreams by night and was restless at day which made Daenerys a bit wary too seeing her lover this nervous.
Today Daenerys checked if the prisoners are still there and if everything was alright with the sept but to her surprised nothing was out of place.

Visenya was restless so without thinking much she decided to work on the dragon pit more and to the surprise of the dragon keepers she could carry stones that they never thought the biggest man could lift.
Varys was working overtime as he send out all his little birds to find out why the queen was so on the edge.
Her jaw was clenched and her muscles where burning yet she carried those stones like she was searching for something inside the dragon pit.
For the last four hours she spend cleaning up the rubble so by now she arrived at the beginning of the small ramp which leaded into the pit itself.
She decided that the stones will be used as a new path around the Dragonpit like a memorial for the dragons who died.

Lucifer came to her in hesitation but needed to remind her of the court meeting she needed to attend.
At first she declined but then she thought about Daenerys and she doesn't want her wife to be alone.
Quickly walking back to the red keep and washing herself she dressed and made her way to the throne room.
She saw she was the only one there so she sat on the throne with her crown on and darksister bye her side as she was fidgeting with the blades from the throne and her knee was bouncing rapidly.

Daenerys walked in with her own crown on and her formal attire only to see Visenya sitting so nervously on the throne yet her face shows no emotion as her face was complete blank and ice cold.
Only when Daenerys sat down beside Visenya she snapped out of it so she looked to the side and saw her wife.
Her face changed to a softer one but still looking uneasy.
"Can I help you with anything?"
"Please just don't leave me today. No matter what just don't leave"
Her voice was so soft it didn't even echo in the room which normally even echoed normal breathing.
Daenerys eyes soften but her hand found visenya's who was shaking slightly but stopped the second their skin touched.

The court was boring as usual.
Some money problems but where being solved by Tyrion then the lack of space as more people want to live in kings landing so a few more houses where being build inside the walls.
Some rise up from a few followers of the seven as they where mad that Visenya took their holy place even thought she just opened it for all.
Missandei, greyworm, ser barristan and Alys where standing beside the throne and the hound was guarding the main door with ser Lucifer.

Just as their goodbyes where exchanged the doors open and in came two person Visenya Instantly felt a cold shiver ran down her spine making her hand grip so tightly around the blades that she couldn't feel her hand anymore.
The hound was the first to hold his sword up to the man beside the woman while she also raised her sword.
"How dare you coming here"
The dark voice of Lucifer broke through the silence.
Daenerys looked confused to Visenya who was looking white like a ghost but very murderous.

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