42. Change of career

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The first official day of being Queen comes rather naturally to Visenya as her father taught her young

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The first official day of being Queen comes rather naturally to Visenya as her father taught her young.
She made a list who she wants as a small council but still thinks about it and rules it all alone till then.
She saw what a bad small council can do to kings and queens so she is rather cautious with it.

Having sent out search groups to find littlefinger and Arya was also easy as everyone try's to please the new queen and get on her good side.
Visenya is waiting for Stannis to make his first move or sending a letter.

The realm by now knows that Visenya has Baleria a purple she-dragon who also already has the nickname of Midnight demon.
People know that Daenerys was the first to bring back dragons so she isn't called mother of dragons or anything like Daenerys.

Two guards walking behind her as she grabbed the bright torch tighter and enters the black cells.
First to visit is Tyrion as a young man named podrick pleaded to hear out the small man.

Closing the gigantic door with her foot made a sleeping Tyrion jump awake.
"Good morning sunshine"
He hears visenya's cold voice and sees her coming closer as he squinted his sensitive eyes.
"I kinda like the silence in here"

Visenya hears him muttering while sitting up against the cold stone as Visenya sits on a stool she brought in.
"Your friend podrick ask me to hear you out. Talk"

Tyrion is surprised that podrick stood up for him.
"Why am I in here?"
"I am trying to figure out who knew about me being tortured and kidnapped from balon Greyjoy"
The small man is shocked.
All this time Visenya was away she was tortured without him knowing.

Tyrion questioned his reputation as smartes man in Westeros when he didn't even realized what happened with Visenya right in front of his nose.
"I-I didn't... I didn't know Visenya. If I had I would have got you out of it. I swear"

He looks at her pleadingly to believe him.
"I am sure I will hear the same from Jamie, Cersei, Joffrey and Tywin"
Visenya says coldly standing up.
"In a few days I come back but I have to clean the messes you guys made in the realm while Joffrey played king"

With that she is out the door without giving him a chance to talk as she is angry at herself feeling pity for him when she was younger.
The next one she visits is Tywin where she was being ignored so she walked out and Jamie only gave her a glare before trying to attack her but she easily slams her fist into his face making him fall back and she walks out.

Cersei is looking like a mess with her hair disheveled and dirty.
"You look even more pathetic like that"
The Lannister looks up at a standing Visenya with a glare.

"Just do it. Torture me or kill me"
"I want to know who knew. Nothing more nothing less"
Cersei laughs crazily to herself.
"So you can kill them too? No"

At that Visenya smirks making Cersei shift uncomfortable.
"The only people you don't want me to torture are your children and your lover so Tyrion is out. Tywin I am not sure so I keep him"
The smug Blackfyre walks calmly through the cell even when she can feel her heart racing at the familiar scene of chains on cold and wet stone.

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