58. Visenya's way of Therapy

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The talk with Tyrion was good as he became more calm and didn't try to talk with her about Jamie

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The talk with Tyrion was good as he became more calm and didn't try to talk with her about Jamie.
He was listening to visenya's commands and even gave some really good advice.

Visenya was calmly walking down the halls when she heard guards behind her only to see lady Olenna walking out of her chambers.
The lady saw her and walked over to her looking at the much taller woman with a look Visenya didn't like.

"Lady Tyrell, what can I do for you"
"I want you to follow me. It's long overdue that you see this"
The queen was confused but followed after the woman in silence only to be led into the black cells.
They were walking deeper and deeper away from the first cells where the Lannisters are in.

Suddenly the woman nods to a cell door so Visenya opens it slowly only to be met by light coming from a torch right beside the door.
Walking deeper inside she saw someone she didn't think she would see so soon.
There he sat.
Looking miserable and dirty while laying in his own shit and piss,

"Little- Petry Baelish. What a nice surprise"
At the voice of the Queen he snapped his head up as he was sleeping against the cold stone wall.
"Visenya. I don't know why I am here. I want to be led out immediately or-"
"Or what? You will try to put your slimy fingers on Sansa? You fucking pedophile"

Before he or even olenna saw it coming Visenya was kicking him in the face with her boot making him grunt while falling to his side.
"Visenya I-"
"Call be my name one more time and it will be the last time you spoke"
She says coldly standing over him knowing he always hated when someone would show their power over him so clearly.
"What was your plan with Sansa?"

Olenna send out the guards silently while standing by the door with her hand put together as she never saw the dragon in real action other then at joffrey's wedding.
Visenya was walking back and forth slowly while watching him trying to stutter out a lie.
"I wanted to bring her home! A safe space. I love h-"
Again his lie was broken by Visenya shoe knocking out one teeth.

"You see... I believe you wanted to bring her home but the safe part is just a bland lie"
She was leaning down to him as he held his mouth in pain.
"What did Cersei promise you for sending those Greyjoy men to my room to kidnap me?"
"I really don't know what you are saying, your grace"

A low chuckle echoed through the cold cell that made known how fucked he is.
"You had your slimy little fingers in things that happened. Ned's death, possibly my fathers aswell, very sure the attack on Robb, my torture"
He was looking into her dark lilac eyes that where glaring down on him.
Petry knew her since she was a child so seeing her finally being the one in charge made him gulp.

"She promised me to marry the one I love including being lord to the place I always wanted"
Visenya hummed while nodding mockingly.
"Who is your „love" and where is the castle or place you always wanted"

Olenna observer's everything in the room and finally saw what everyone said when they told her never to anger Visenya.
The queens eyes where so cold that even people not involved would be shivering.
Visenya Blackfyre has the Targaryen craziness together with the female rage inside of her and both things together are a deadly combination.

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