23. Making the best of it

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Visenya was exhausted

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Visenya was exhausted.
Ned who rode beside her could see it along with the annoyance on her face because of the dramatic glaring from the two girls behind them.
People cheer as they saw Joffrey but when they saw Visenya and Alys they got even more excited.

She can hear a boy telling Ned that pycelle called a meeting of the small council so she steps down from her horse.
"You need me there?"
He shakes his head and looks at the septa who is with his girls.
"Get them settled in. I be back before supper"
With that he follows the boy letting Visenya stands there looking after him.

The Blackfyre walks to the sept not looking at the girls when Alys follows her and begins talking to them.
"Please follow me, I show you around"
The sept smiles at her friendly and all of the woman and girls follow her.

The heir gets welcomes and friendly hellos as they walk into the castle.
The stark girls and their sept look around and she hears Arya mutter.
"It smells like shit"
Making Visenya want to chuckle and the sept scowls her for it.

A few minutes later they all sit down a table full of food and began to eat while Sansa and Arya glare at Visenya.
Arya stabs her knife repeatedly into the table making the sept speak up.
"Enough of that, young lady. Eat your food"
"I am practicing"

Sansa ask calmly
"For what?"
Arya looks up at her sister
"The prince.... And princess"
She added the last bit looking at Visenya who looks back at her calmly knowing she is angry because of their Direwolfs they think she killed.

"Arya stark!"
"They are liars and cowards and they killed my friend and Direwolf"
Sansa looked at Visenya who looks calm as ever but Alys becomes more and more angry at the things Arya says about her sister.

"The hound killed your friend"
"The hound does whatever the prince tells him to do"
Arya counters back to her sister getting loud.

"Your an idiot"
"and you are a liar"
The sisters began to bicker again.
"And if you told the truth mycah, lady and Nymeria would be alive"

The sept stands up as Ned walks in having heard lots of it.
Making Alys explode looking at her new friends angrily as her sister stands up about to walk out.
"Visenya stop. Sansa, Arya my sister didn't kill Nymeria and lady, she let them go so stop blaming her for gods sake"

She also stands up and drags her sister out of the room who looks shocked that her sister just defended her.
They arrive in Visenya's room and Alys hugs her tightly which surprises the heir again but accept it.
"You okay, little one?"
"I am sorry, I know it was not the complete truth but I couldn't take it anymore that they were mad at you"

Alys looks up at her apologetic with a storm brewing in her eyes still a bit frustrated at Arya's words.
"It's fine, I wanted to show you something so it's good we are here now"

She puts a chair to block the door and opens the secret passage she found and where she put her most important things in.
"Wow how did you find it"
Alys walks into the dark hall
"I found it by accident but that's not what I want to show you"

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