game time

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Chishiya wonders around the halls of the utopia. He hadn't played any games in a while due to recently winning the 6 of dimonds, giving him 5 days in total on his visa. Chishiya wasn't stupid enough to let those days get to his head and think he's safe, but he also wasn't stupid enough to go out and play games while he dosnt need to. A break wasn't too bad after all. It had been 3 days since then, meaning chishiya had 2 days left on his visa. So it would be a good idea to join a game sometime today.


Kuina calls out to him, before making her way over.

"Well what do I owe the pleasure, miss 'I'm not talking to you untill you agree' hmm?"

Chishiya asked sarcastically, making kuina pout and whine.

"I wanted you to just let me paint your nails! It would be really fun and you would look so pretty!!"

"Looking pretty isn't exactly a concern for me at the moment"

Chishiya says in a 'matter of fact' way, making kuina sigh.

"Your no fun!"

She complains, making chishiya smirk ever so slightly.

"so whiney, your like a toddler kuina"

"I am not! Your like a-...a..."

"Can't even think of an insult, how disappointing"

"Only disappointing thing is that you won't let me have fun"

She playfully grabs at chishiyas sleeve, Batting her eyelashes.

"That won't work with me, you might have better luck with Ann though. I'm sure she would love to let you paint her nails"

Kuina immediately let's him go and blushed, looking around as if Ann would suddenly appear just in time to hear what chishiya said.

"She wouldn't, she's too busy and she needs her hands to do her experiment things"

Kuina says before she lightly gives chishiya a shove.

"Also don't you have better things to do than tease me? Like... I don't know... an executive meeting"

"Your the one who approached me first, you should've prepared. And for your information, I'm trying to skip that"

"Won't hatter like literally cut your head off though?"

"Nahh, he wouldn't kill of one of his best players. You see how desperate he is trying to get more experienced people, not take them away"

"Good point, but still... you can't be to reckless chishiya, he might not kill you but even so you could get punished"

"Oh no, I'm so scared"

Chishiya says sarcastically making kuina roll her eyes, but chuckle.

"I'll never understand you, your insane man!"

"Never said anytime that i wasn't"

He smirks back.


"Chishiya, how nice of you to actually show up"

Hatter says in a displeased tone as chishiya enters the meeting room 20 minutes late. Chishiya smirks a bit and responds with a simple

"My bad"

Niragi scoffs from where he's sitting.

"Yeah, your bad alright"

Niragi mutters just loud enough for everyone to make out what he said. Making the other executive glance at him for a moment, some sigh.
Chishiya just makes his way to his spot and sits down calmly without a care in the world.

"Now, as I was saying. Newer games have been popping up out of nowhere! So tonight I am sending some lucky executives to test the waters. I know you all won't let me down"

Lucky, yeah right. Chishiya thought. Hatter was right though, newer games were appearing randomly. mostly lower ranking games, but games.

"I want to send the ones that have lower visas. So I want Mira and Ann to go out tonight. You two will go to the arena down the west side, you may take a car as it is a bit farther away. And chishiya, I'm throwing you to the game in the south side, I have a gut feeling it's a Dimonds game! How exciting!"

"I would like to join that one too"

Aguni says, and hatter nodds.

"Then I'm sending 2 of your militiants with you"

Niragis head perks up as hatter says that.

"Hmm... you and you"

Hatter points to 2 random militiant.

"Huh? Hey I want to go!"

Niragi complains. But gets ignored as Hatter continues a random speech, and aguni stands by his side slightly nodding everytime hatter looked his way, almost as If backing hatter up on his crazy ideas.

"Hey! I want to play a game too! You expect me to sit on my ass and do nothing all day? You guys haven't sent me- or even let me play a single game in so long!"

Niragi complains again, Standing up from his seat so he wouldn't just be ignored this time.

"Niragi, your last game was yesterday"

Aguni says glaring at niragi, making niragi sit back down with a scowl.

"If your so desperate to do somthing... I geuss you can join the game in the East.  That's if your fine going off by yourself"

Hatter says, making niragi grinn

"Of course I'm fine going off my myself! I'm not some pussy"

After hatter assigns niragi a game, that shut niragis complaints up for the rest of the meeting. He seemed to be satisfied going to a game tonight. And so was chishiya, he needed to anyway.

And that's how chishiya found himself standing against a wall, hood up, waiting for this new game to start. The building he was in right now was shaped almost like an L, it was definitely an apartment of some kind. Aguni and the 2 men stand on the other side of the waiting room. The 2 men quietly chat to eachother while aguni stands tall and still, staring at the entrance waiting for somone to come in.
Chishiya also glanced over now, as he heard the sound of multiple shoes walk up the metal stairs.
The 2 men pause at the last step feeling all the eyes in the room on them. One was a tall man with heavy eyebags and messy black hair. The other had blond- more yellowish hair that was attempted to be slicked back, but was way to short and instead just look like his tiny bangs were stuck up. The black haired one looked like he was about to kick the bucket right here and now, and the blond looked like he was about to fly out to a Cuba vacation....
What an interesting pair, Chishiya thought to himself.
Yippee, part one! I'm once again trying somthing different and adding all the main characters into this one instead of having it niragi and chishiya focused. I immage this will be a longer story, so stay tuned!! Thanks for reading, make sure to vote and if you have any recommendations of an aib story you would like to see me write based around these main characters in some way- please let me know!!

(1137 words)

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