tag (1/2)

37 3 0

The two men make there way over to the table to grab a phone. Passing by a girl in a pink shirt and a confused man with a cap on. He must be a newbie, chishiya thought to himself.

"There's lot of people here, mabey one is a doctor"

The blond man says to the other.

Oh, well isn't this ironic. Chishiya slightly glanced up at them, catching a look from the sleep deprived looking one. Chishiya obviously wouldn't speak out, no need to be getting involved where he dosnt have too. Chishiya noticed the sleep deprived one was still looking at him. Most likely because while everyone else was either anxiously waiting, getting ready or asking questions to eachother. Chishiya was alone leaning against the wall in a strange corner listening to music and even charging the device with an outlet beside him. It was definitely making chishiya stand out. but not to soon after the sound of a bell chiming could be heard, making everyone look down at there phones.

"Registration has now closed, there are a total of 13 players. The game will now commence"

The ai says in a happy tone. Only now did chishiya take the ear buds out, unplugging his device and shoving it all into his pocket.

"U-umm, excuse me? What is this? I was brought here.. and I uh, I don't know what's going on"

The newbie in the cap asked the sleep deprived boy, chuckling nervously.

"It's a game..."

The boy answers vaugly, before the blond cuts in and shuts the other one up. Whispering somthing chishiya couldn't hear.

"Difculty, 5 of spades"

The ai voice says suddenly. People glance around confused, agunis 2 militiants laugh to themselves looking at aguni as if he was going to give them permission to laugh. Chishiya sighs to himself, he's never been a fan of spades games. If anything he tried his best to avoid them.
The girl in the pink shirt gets down and starts stretching her legs. A bit dramatic if you ask chishiya, but oh well.

"5 of spades?"

The sleep deprived man suddenly asked outloud, to no one in particular. But an short, older man suddenly appeared out of the shadows to play the savior role.

"it's going to be physical, only the strong will survive"

The older man says, making the sleep deprived one raise his eyebrows a bit before asking

"So the suits mean somthing?"

The older man laughs a bit

"That's right, the suit normally means what kind of game you will be playing. Clubs is team games, spades is physical, dimonds is wits, and hearts... games where you play with eachothers hearts and then tear eachother apart. The worst kind of game if you ask me"

The man says all this with a bright smile as if he was talking about his weakened to old buddy's

"And... the number?"

The sleep deprived one managed to choke out. The older man grinns again and quickly responds, a bit louder this time as he slightly distance himself from the two.

"The number is the level of difficulty, the higher the number the harder the game"

Chishiya could see the newbie players make a mental note of that. And the more so experienced players either nodd to themselves or just flat out ignore it. That one was what chishiya did.

"Game, tag. Rule, avoid whoever is 'it' "

The ai voice says, getting some murmers out of the mostly silent crowd.

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