game buddys (3/?)

19 3 0

"So... what are all of your guys names?"

Arisu asked awkwardly, looking around.

"My names Roman, this is sakura"

The guy in all fancy black spoke up first and introduced himself and his partner.

"My names rei, nice to meet you"

The girl with pink hair say with a smile, soon followed by the girl with blue hair.

"And I'm Akari!"

She says happily, almost glowing.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm arisu"

He says matching Akaris happy energy. He then turns to usagi.

"Oh, I'm usagi"

She says awkwardly, slightly nodding her head to bow.

"And I'm kuina! It's a pleasure"

She smiles friendly, kuina was always so welcoming to anyone, no matter the circumstances.

"And that's chishiya"

She continued, knowing chishiya wouldn't Introduce himself. He just smirks at her a bit.

"My name is tatta"

Tatta says with a slight smile, trying to be friendly but awkward.

"Nice to meet you!"

Akari says happy. Her and kuina were definitely the most friendly and extroverted in the group.

"And what's your name?"

Akari asked niragi, who slightly smirks hat her and scoffs.

"The names niragi"

He says in a rude tone, like normal. Akari paused for a second taking in his cocky attitude before just nodding a bit and turning back to talk to kuina- the most extroverted in there original group of 7.


A bell chimes, gaining everyone's attention.

"The game will now commence"

The female ai voice says in a happy tone as the door opens leafing them to wherever they were going..
The group- that was now.. a bigger group of 11 and not 7, all make there way into the room.

"This place looks..."

Tata starts to comment on the room they just entered, but didn't finish his sentence. The room was decently large, made of all concrete. The floor a dark shade of grey, and the walls a lighter shade. The room was dimly lit at first, but as soon as the last person got into the room it light up brighter.

"What the actual fuck"

Niragi growls looking at the screen on the wall, A riddle displayed infront of them.

"Nobody has ever walked this way, what way is it?"

The screen displayed those words.

"What dose that even mean?"

Roman asks

"It means what fucking way has no one walked, dumbass"

Niragi snaps back immediately.

"OK, don't be rude niragi"

Kuina scolds him. She was much more confident now that niragi was stripped of his gun. Niragi wasn't happy about this attitude though

"What did you just say to me you bit-"


Tatta, of all people, interups niragi.

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