light bulb

31 3 1

"Arisu, wake up"

Usagi calls gently to arisu before opening the blinds. Arisu groans and covers his eyes.
Just the night before, arisu had a private meeting with hatter... well, not so private as there were two other girls with him that arisu would rather not describe to anyone. Arisu was still a bit hung over, but it was tolerable. He was a bit embarrassed that usagi had to see him like this..

"Hatter wants us to join a game today"

Usagi says helping arisu up. He quickly finds his balance and sighs.
A game... arisu didn't like the sound of that, but it's not like they had a choice.

"Are we going alone?"

Arisu asked, and usagi shakes her head before replying.

"No, a couple others are joining us"

And almost on cue, there was a knock at the door.
Arusi and usagi glance at eachother right quick before arisu cautiously opens the door.

"Hey, you two ready to go?"

A girl asked, eyeing arisu up and down as if she already knew the answer.
The girl was tall, black hair neatly cut a bit above the sholders in a Bob. She wore a white short sleeved button up that was tied above her stomach. Along with Jean shorts and black sunglasses even though they were inside. Ann, arisu believed her name was.

"U-umm, yeah, we're ready to go"

He looks back at usagi to make sure, and she nodds slightly. Ann looked like she doubted they were ready, but clearly didn't care.

"Let's go then"

She says leading them away.

Usagi and arisu found themselves in this weird building With Ann. She leads them down a long flight of curved stairs and eventually they see a small table with the phones they all knew too well.
Ann grabs a phone first, then turns to arisu and usagi.

"This test will tell us if either of you are qualified to a spot as an executive, so do your best"

She nodds at them both before walking away.

"A spot as an executive?"

Arisu asked outloud to no one in particular, but glanced back at usagi, who just shrugs before grabbing a phone for herself. Arisu grabs a phone next.

"Oh come on, I'm sure it's nothing like that"

An unfamiliar voice says behind them, making both turn. It was a tall girl with a blue bikini top and long jeans, black dreads and some weird yellow stick in her mouth. Behind her a recognizable blond with a white hoodie and long shorts, who didn't look to happy.
The girl grabs a phone first, then chishiya.

"And would you look at that, a waterproof case..."

Chishiya mutters, and the girl laughs a bit.

"Well, I did say I'm sure, not positive"

Arisu stares at them both, making the girl look right back at him.

"Hey, your the newbies"

She says pointing at both arisu and usagi.

"My names kuina, nice to meet ya"

The girl, kuina, puts her hand out for a handshake that arisu awkwardly returns.

"I'm arisu, and that's usagi"

Usagi nodds slightly towards kuina.

"Oh- And this is chishiya"

She says draging the boy closer by the sleeve.

"Your a good while late, kuina. They already know me"

Chishiya comments.

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