game buddies (1/?)

32 3 2

It had been 4 days since the 4 of clubs. Arisu and usagi had been called to a meeting.
Both slowly enter the room and find there spots against the wall. Chishiya playfully waves at them before the militiants walk in, the militiants being aguni, niragi and Samura- aka last boss. Arisu found it a bit weird, everyone called him last boss. It was like a nickname or somthing...
Aguni finds his spot near hatter as niragi sits down tossing his gun onto the table and kicking his feet up. last boss makes his way over to the corner of the room and leans onto his sword like it was some cane.

"Alright! Everyone is here ontime I see"

Hatter says in a happy tone, grinning while pushing his sunglasses up to rest on his head. He looks everyone over and nodds to himself before he continues.

"I'm sending players out in groups today. One, because it seems everyone's visas match up close enough to be sent out at the same time. And two, because it increases the chance of bringing back my cards by whatever number there is in the group!! Normally I send one person out, that's only one person to bring my card back. But if I send more like 3, that's 3 people fighting for my card and even if one dies there's still two others!!"

Chishiya was surprised to hear hatter actually say somthing smart. It was an idea anyone could think of and was blandly obvious, but hearing it from hatter was different.

"What do you think chishiya?"

Hatter asked almost on cue with chishiyas thoughs.

"It makes sence, but it depends on the game itself, and how many are in the game other than people here"

Hatters smile drops a bit before he just shrugs and smiles again

"But it could work! So I'm doing it"

Everyone glanced around at eachother. It wasn't new to be sent in groups, but apparently hatter was planning to send off bigger groups. Nobody knew how big though.

"I want arisu, usagi, kuina, chishiya, Ann, and niragi in a group"

Hatter announced cheerfully


Niragi yells standing up, and immediately looks over to aguni who was glaring at him.

"You said you wanted to play a game, and agreed to go out with a group"

Aguni says calmly, making niragi growl.

"But I don't want to be a group with these-"

"Niragi, you want to go out today or no?"

Niragi paused... he only had a day left on his visa. He had no choice...
Niragi growls and sits back down.

Ann spoke up suddenly.

"I suggest we have tatta join us as well. tatta only has 2 days left, so he fits the time frame as well. And with such a big group already it wouldn't even matter adding one more. Don't you agree, hatter?"

Hatter immediately responded

"You are absolutely right, Ann. Tatta will be joining your group as well! It might do him some good honestly..."

Hatter awkwardly chuckles before he continues.

"You should all go get ready while your vehicle is being prepared. Aguni, you'll go inform tatta won't you?"


Aguni responds simply. And hatter dismissed everyone who was going. Mira and Kuzuryu would be staying with hatter, and most likely last boss would go off with aguni while everyone was gone.
They exit the meeting room and separate to get ready, not that they need to get anything... more like mentally get ready.


"What do you think the game will be?"

Kuina asked chishiya

"I don't know, but it better not be a spades game"

Kuina laughs

"How do you feel knowing your in a group with Ann?"

Chishiya teased

"Your in a group with Ann too!.. but I'm really happy"

She blushed a bit and cups her face dramatically.

"I'm not to exited about niragi being there though"

She continued with a scowl

"Me either"

Kuina jumps and let's out a gasp hearing niragi behind her suddenly. She turns to face him.

"Hey! Are you following us?"

Kuina scowls while asking niragi

"No, tit for brains. This is the way to the exit belive it or not"

Niragi said sarcastically. Kuina growled at the insult but keep quiet. Niragi was right, this was the way to the exit after all...

"And for the record, I don't wanna to be in a group with ya fuckers either. Makes me wanna puke thinkin bout it"

He frowns and rubs his chest as if he actually was going to throw up.

"I'm surprised to hear you can think"

Chishiya comments making niragi stop and growl at him. Niragi gets in closer to chishiya and grabs his sweater collar.

"Im praying this is one of em games where violence is allowed, cuz im fucking goin' after your ass first"

Niragi spits out behind gritted teeth. But chishiya just smirks, only fueling niragis rage. Kuina spoke up.

"Oh please, if anything chishiya is going after your ass. And if he dosnt I sure as he'll am!"

Niragi scowls

"Don't get your panties in a bunch before the game now"

He says finally letting go of the grinning chishiya.

"Could we mabey stop talking about asses and panties?"

Chishiya asked sarcastically. But was ignored by both of them.
Kuina goes to say somthing to niragi again but he pulls his gun to his front and stares kuina down. Kuina swallowed whatever words she was going to say, making Niragi laugh. Kuina wouldn't shut up unless she had a gun pointed at her. Niragi now pushed past them both aggressively

"Fucking pussy"

He says walking away with his gun hanging over his sholder. Kuina growls.

"I hate him so much"

She complains.

"So much dirty talk today. Anyway, do you think your love for Ann will be able to cancel that out during the game?"

Kuina slaps his arm.

"Don't say that!.. wait, do you think niragi heard what you said earlier? He was right behind us..."

Chishiya smirks a bit and just continued walking towards the exit as kuina was starting to flip out and panic. Niragi probably didn't hear it, but even if he did why would it matter? Kuinas crush on Ann was pretty obvious, atleast in chishiyas eyes.

Kinda short chapter I know, next chapter will be longer 💪💪 make sure to vote so show your support!!

(1068 words)

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