distance (1/2)

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Autors note:
Ok I know the whole distance thing was before arisu and usagi even got to beach- but it's too good not to include! So I'm adding it now, again with my own little twist.

"I know we have 3 more days on our visa, but how about we join a game tonight. Just to be safe?"

Arisu asked usagi.
Ever since the 4 of dimonds, arisu had realized how scared he was to lose usagi. And even if joining a game wasn't the safest choice, arisu didn't want there visas to get any lower than 3 days! If one of them ever got injured, like chota... he wanted to have days to spare without worrying about joining a game. No lower than 3 would he ever let it get, for both of them.

"I don't mind joining a game, sure"

Usagi responded.

"We just have to get past hatter..."

Right.. they couldn't just leave without saying anything, they had to go through hatter first if they wanted to go out without a group he assigns and exactly when he wants to assign it.

"Alright... let's go tell him then"

Arisu says nervously, he knew hatter wouldn't say no, but it was still scary to talk to the guy.
Arisu and usagi make there way to the meeting room where hatter would be, little did they know though... hatter wasn't going to be alone.
When they entered, they saw hatter obviously. But standing with him was aguni, chishiya, Kuzuryu and Ann. The Idealist.

"Umm, excuse me hatter?"

Arisu spoke up, gathering everyone's attention.

"Me and usagi were just letting you know we're going out to play a game... like right now"

"Ah! Perfect! You both go right ahead and do that, make sure to win and bring back a card~"

Hatter answers more than exited, but suddenly paused.

"And take chishiya with you"


Arisu, usagi and chishiya all say at the same time.

"Well, you two are newer to the beach and I can't exactly trust you yet. So I'm sending one of my executives with you"

Hatter answers as if proud of himself.

"You have no objections I suppose, chishiya?"

"None here"

Chishiya responded. Chishiya did have objections, but it wasn't worth bringing up. He wasn't really in the mood for playing a game right now, if anything he was In the mood for a snack and mabey a nap. But oh well.

"Are you sure your fine with going?"

Arisu asks chishiya, who smirks.

"It dosnt matter if I am or am not, let's just go"

Arisu dosnt protest. Instead he just looked back at usagi before they follow chishiya out of the utopia. Arisu soon takes the lead, leading them to a strange game arena...
An underground highway, outside with a huge glowing sign that said 'this way to game arena'
Arisu and usagi give eachother a glance at the strange sight, what kind of game could be played here?..

All 3 of them walk into the tunnel, blinded by the large glowing orange lights.

"I already don't like this place"

Chishiya mutters. Usagi and arisu couldn't argue that, this place was weird... and the huge graffiti bus didn't help that case.

"Do we go in there?"

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