game buddies (2/?)

31 2 5

Everyone was in the car now. The car had 8 seats, but the one in the middle of the middle row was put down as there's only 7 of them, and to make it easier to get in the back.
Ann, kuina and chishiya sat in the very back. Usagi and arisu sat in the middle row, and niragi and tatta were in the front. Niragi in the drivers seat and tatta in the passengers seat. It took a while to get everyone into the car at first, but now they were finally ready to go

"So this is what we're going in?"

Arisu asked

"No, were fucking flying there Einstein"

Niragi says mockingly. Before getting into the drivers seat.

"Absolutely not, he's gonna kill us before we even get to the arena!"

Tatta complanes

"What ya say bout me!?"


Tatta whines as niragi gets out of the car and approched him.
Ann just sighs and gets into the back. Chishiya goes to get into the passenger seat but kuina grabs him and literally drags him back and into the back seat. Kuina sits in the middle and forced chishiya down beside her.

"No need to be so pushy, if your that desperate to sit next to a-"

Kuina covers his mouth and chishiya pushed her hand off him immediately, wiping his mouth into his sleeve.

"Oh- your so dramatic chishiya!"

She complains and glanced over at Ann who was lightly smiling at the scene. It makes her smile too.

Arisu and usagi get into the middle, as neither of them would separate to sit in the front with niragi.

And now it was just niragi and tatta left. Niragi finally stops yelling at tatta and gets back into the car, tatta looks in and realized all the seats were taken. He holds in a whine fearing being yelled at by niragi again, he gets into the passenger seat and puts on his seat belt unlike the others.

"Fucking scared little cunt"

Niragi cursed at tatta

Now, they were finally ready to go. Niragi slams onto the gas without hesitation, sending the car flying and making tatta scream. Yeah, they shouldn't have let niragi drive...

Niragi speeds and pulls sharp turns purposefully to scare tatta who looked like his soul was being torn out as he screams in fear, holding onto the door handle for his life.

Niragi laughs loudly and makes another sharp turn. This time the turn was enough to make kuina bump into Ann


Kuina says hot in the face and embarrassed

"It's ok, you can lean onto me during the turns I don't mind"

Kuina blushed even more now, but let's herself lean onto Ann instead of fighting the force of niragis sharp turns.
Chishiya nudged kuinas side and smirks. kuina lightly kicks chishiyas leg, but enough to hurt a bit, and chishiya verbally let's out an "ow" as complaint.

Eventually they all manage to make it to the game arena in one piece, surprisingly.
Tatta immediately jumps out of the car to puke and niragi burst out into laughter hitting the wheel.
Arisu and usagi get out and chishiya, kuina and Ann follow soon after. Niragi was the last to leave the car, yet the first to enter the arena.

"Leave weapons at entrance... this place is ass!"

Niragi complanes at the sign, but drops his gun down against it and walks inside the main room groaning and whining. For some reason niragi looked smaller without his gun.

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