tag (2/2)

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Arusi suddenly takes off into a run before karube can even prosses what was happening.

"Everyone! He's up here! He's on the second floor!!"

Arisu yells into the open.

"Hey! Your gonna get us killed!"

Karube goes to shut arisu up but arisu continues.

"He can't see properly because of his mask! Tell us if you see him and what floor! Let's all look for the simble!!"

Karube growls knowing there in deep shit now- nobody was going to hel-

"He's in the forth level hallway! Anyone there should get out!"

A female voice suddenly yells, and arusi smiles... this plan, this plan might actually work. Even as arisu heard more gun shots, he seemed to be filled with more confidence now than ever before.

"Holly shit, look at that"

Karube points out a girl- that girl in the pink shirt. Climbing the side of the building as the tagger shoots at her, but she makes it up.

"Time remaining, 8 minutes. There are currently 7 survivers"

The ai voice speaks out. 8 minutes left... that's all the time they had. 8 minutes to fight for there lives....


"Oh, a climber"

Chishiya says as he sees a girl climb the side of the building. He sees those two boys from earlier too, runing like most other players were... other than the dead ones, they were just kinds laying there awkwardly, bleeding out as any would after being blasted like that.

"Hey, you!"

He hears somone call out. Only to once again see those two boys, and the newbie too. Eventually all 3 of them scramble down a hallway. That black haired guy... he saved the newbie. Hmm.. that was new.
Chishiya smirks. Such a kind hearted soul... to bad that won't get him anywhere in this world, other than dead that is. Chishiya thought to himself, before finally leaving his corner spot and out into the game. Because he was sure where the simble was now, all thanks to the one trying to keep them away from it.

As chishiya makes his way down, be sees the tager and that blond guy. On the stairs he noticed a gun... it was practically begging him at this point...


The sound caused the blond to look up, suddenly the tagers hand was bloody and it had dropped its gun.

"Damn, I was aiming for the head. This is my first time firing a gun you know. They make it seem so much easier in the movies..."

Chishiya complanes, before chucking the gun to the blond.

"Oh well, you seem more experienced. Have fun~"

Chishiya says turning to leave, and out of the corner of his eye he sees the blond make am exape. Hmm, even with chishiyas terrible aim, he managed to be usfull to the blond in some way. Chishiya wasn't sure why he did it... the blond just seemed like a cool guy. And that was enough for chishiya to have some fun with it.
Chishiya makes his way down, and to his suprise so did somone else... the sleep deprived guy.

"So you figured it out to, huh?"

Chishiya says calmly, gaining his a stare from the other.

"Yeah... the simbles in here"

The man says, before approaching the door and griping its handle...
"You gonna open it?"

Chishiya asked, as this guy had just suddenly froze.

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