game buddies (4/?)

25 3 1

"Stab the queen"

The screen displayed those words.
The group fell silent, untill usagi spoke up

"The queen?"

She asked confused, as if there would be any answers to her question.

"What dose that mean?"

Roman asked, and niragi was quick to snap back just like last time

"It means to stab the queen, dumbass"

Niragi clearly had some kind of hatred towards Roman, for what reason? Who knows

"I know that much- but who's the queen?"

Roman growls back, done with the comments niragi was making.

"Mabey it's your little doll, let's stab her and see"

Niragi straightens his posture and steps closer to tower over Roman, clearly trying to intimidate him. And it was clearly working, because Roman scowls and backs away in fear, grabbing his 'doll's arm, sakura, who looked even more scared than tatta when niragi was driving. Niragi chuckles at this, licking his lips before turning back to the others.

"We don't know who the queen is, yeah? We should just kill of all the girls till we get the right one"

He says confidentially, but the girls definitely didn't agree

"Somone tie him down or something"

Kuina growls, not happy with his little plan. Ann stayed quiet, but had an unpleased look on her face.

"Is he serious?"

Rei asked confused, Akari turned to look at everyone wondering the same thing. But nobody answered.

"Let's not do that..."

Arisu says quietly, with a bit of fear on his face.

"You got a better plan? Mr wannabe hero?"

Niragi says and scoffs at arisu, who stayed quiet. He was thinking so hard for another way that his face went red, making niragi burst out into laughter.

"Fucking pussy! Just know if I had my gun all these bitches would be deaf by now"

Niragi sticks his toung out at arisu in that weird, creepy way he normally did.

"I think we should go with his plan"

Roman admits, making everyone turn to him.

"It makes sence, one of the girls here have to be the queen! It's not sakura though, I would know. You can kill the other girls though"

"Wow, so fucking considerate of you"

Kuina says sarcastically, scowling at him.

"Well I dont need your fucking approval you dog, and just because you said that"

Niragi shoves Roman out of his way and grabs sakura, who screamed.

"Hey- don't touch her!! You fucking sociopath!!"

Roman yells in a panic and rushed at niragi, who jabs him in the nose sending him backwards.

"You fight like a grandma with no arms! It's actually pathetic to watch"

He turns to sakura, who he was still holding tightly by the arm.

"You could have done so much better than this wimp"

"C-could have?"

She managed to choke out.

"Yeah, could have. You didn't think I changed my mind now did you?"

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