
20 2 0

Arisu opens his eyes and coughs, what the hell?.. his head hurt like hell...
Arisu suddenly remembered. The water must have hit the bus pretty hard. Arisu looked down at the broken glass and left over water on the floor... the floor?
Arisu looked around and noticed the bus had tipped onto its side. Damn.. wait, where were the others??

"Is everyone OK?"

Arisu called out, looking around at the others. He spots Yamane close to where the drivers seat was, and takuna sits up into view. Yamane was too busy making sure takuna was OK to even notice arisu asked a question. takuna glanced at arisu and responds instead.

"Were ok"

He said with a small smile. Arisu smiled back, then looked around for usagi and chishiya.
Usagi was sitting next to chishiya, who had his head hung low while he rubbed his chest.

"Is he...?"

Arisu hesitates to ask

"He's fine, I think he just swallowed a lot of water, so coughing it out would burn a bit"

Usagi says, and Chishiya groans

"A bit? I feel like I just puked up all my internal organs"

Chishiya complanes.

"You can just say organs you know, we know organs are what is inside of people"

Yamane says to chishiya, who now looks up at yamane.

"No, there's external organs too"

Chishiya says still rubbing his chest.

"Yeah, he's definitely fine"

Usagi says slightly chuckling at chishiyas response.

They all start to climb out of the bus now. Arisu and yamane first, who then help takuna up onto the side. Chishiya and usagi climb up soon after.

"Well would you look at that"

Chishiya comments making everyone look down. In huge blue letters, the word 'goal' was painted on the bus.


Usagi says outloud.

"So this whole time... I was at the goal..."

Takuna says quietly, realizing he was safe the entire time.

"It was right here for us to see this entire time"

Chishiya comments. Usagi spoke up next

"But then what were the numbers for?"

"The distance away from the goal... we were safe at zero"

Arisu says, making yamane groan.

"So all that was for nothing? If we had just looked..."

Yamane sighs.
'If we had just looked, seizan could have survived' arisu was sure that's what yamane wanted to say. And it was true... if only they had looked.

Arisu got down from the bus first, and yamane helped lower takuna down before jumping off himself. He let's out a grunt as he hits the floor and falls over.

"You idiot, we can't have two people with injured legs"

Takuna complanes as yamane scrambles back to his feet.

"I'm ok"

He says joining takunas side.
Chishiya climbs down the bus and jumps at a lower hight, and so dose usagi.

"Are you OK?"

Arisu asked usagi looking her over.

"I'm fine, I might have a cut or two but I'm totally fin-... hey, where are you two going?"

Yamane and takuna were walking away. Takuna paused making yamane stop too.

"I'm not sure... but, I hope we can meet again some day"

Takuna says, smiling back at the three. Before turning back to yamane and giving him a nodd to keep going. Yamane helps takuna limp away.

"Well... let's go I geuss"

Usagi says.

"You say 'let's go' alot, you know"

Chishiya comments before walking off. Usagi looks to arisu before they start walking to catch up to chishiya. Once they exit the tunnel, the card sits on the table waiting for them. Chishiya takes it, scanning it over with his eyes before putting it in his pocket.


"You apparently jinxed your luck or somthing"

Kuina says laughing as chishiya tells her what happened in the game.

"I think I hate water even more now, if that's possible"

Chishiya mutters, resting his chin on his hand.
After they had gotten back from the game, chishiya gave hatter the card and immediately went to his room. When he got there he striped down and threw his wet clothes over the heater before going to the bathroom to dry and attempt to fix his hair. It didn't take too long for his clothes to dry, and he changed back into them. That's when kuina came into his room, and now there where they are now

"So, the game was the 4 of clubs? How many days do you have on your visa now?"

Kuina asked.

"6, not that it matters anyway. Hatter might send me out to a game"

Chishiya answers, Making kuina chuckle a bit but sigh. She knew that chishiya was right, that even if they had multiple days on there visa hatter would send them out to play a game as he so pleased.

"Would me painting your nails hel-"


"Come on chishiya! It's not-"


Kuina whines, but let's it go knowing she isn't going to win.

"But you know who would let you paint there nai-"

"Chishiya I swear- don't you even think about saying what your about to say!"

"Your so ann-ergetic today"



"Aguni sir"

Niragi says handing aguni a card. Niragi had somehow managed to get one of the easiest games imaginable. The 2 of fucking clubs! Niragi was pissed, he wanted somthing more exiting than that!

"I want to go out again tomorrow, it's only fair"

Niragi says as he watches aguni try not to laugh at the card.

"Your not going out tomorrow, but if it helps you sleep at night I'll make sure to put in a word with hatter and get you in on the group send outs later on this week"

Niragi wanted to protest, but he knew better than to fight against aguni. Hopefully the group send out will end up having better games. Like some hearts game where niragi can just shoot everyone. He wasn't sure if there were games like that, where the only purpose was to kill. But a man could hope.

"Fine. later on this week as in..?"

Niragi asked.

"Hmm, probably in about 4 or 5 days"

Aguni says, making niragi groan.

"Well I only have 5 days on my visa no thanks to this fucking knock off of a game"

"Then most likely it's 4"

Aguni says, not helping niragis sour mood.
Some niragi time
This chapter isn't to long but oh well, hope you enjoyed. Make sure to vote to show your support!!

(1072 words)

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