game buddies (5/?)

28 4 1

(This chapter title is getting old, bear with me while I try to think of a different name 💀)

The group moves onto the next task, from 11 down to 9.
This room was just as plane as all the rest, the grey concrete everywhere, and a dim light on the ceiling, yet this one had two chairs sitting facing eachother infront of the screen.

"Two truths and a lie"

The screen displayed. Along with in small letters underneath it-

"Players must match the same level as the other"


"Hm? Two truths and a lie? Isn't that a child's game?"

Kuina asked confused

"If you haven't caught on by now, almost all the games here are in ways child games, just with the penalty of death"

Chishiya says sarcastically, and kuina sighs

"Yeah yeah, I know"

"So, who's going to go?"

Usagi asked out to the group, she clearly had no plans of going herself.

"I'll go!"

Akari quickly volunteers herself, and makes her way over to sit in one of the chairs.

"Chishiya, you should play too"

Kuina trys to volunteer chishiya, but he shakes his head and responds

"I don't see a point in me going"

Kuina gives him a little push

"Uhm, mabey the point is so we can leave this room and survive? Come in chishiya! I bet it will be fun~"

She pokes at him smiling

"If it's so fun why don't you go?"

"Because I'm always having fun, it's your turn"

She whines, pushing him forwards again. He sighs and gives in, not wanting to hear her whine anymore, it was annoying.
Chishiya sits down in the chair.

"HI, I'm Akari. we haven't really talked yet haha"

She introduced herself a bit awkward, but overall exited to talk to chishiya. She had no idea who he was, his personality, or anything! So she was in for a treat

"I'm chishiya"

He answers simply

"Oh- well nice to meet you chishiya! Do you mind if I start?"

"Go ahead"

He said leaning back into his chair, A 10 minute timer starts on the big screen.

"One, I love dogs. Two, my favorite color is blue. And three, I've never had orange juice before"

"Three is the lie"

Chishiya answered immediately.

"Woah, how did you know?"

"Your hair has blue in it, you wouldn't dye your hair blue if you didn't like the color, so i had a 50 50 chance with the other two. I geuss I got lucky"

Akari smiles, this game was interesting to her, she was excited to hear what chishiya had to say.

"One, I hate dogs. Two, I specialize in spades games. Three, my first game was a dimonds game"

Akari paused to think, these were some hard choices... chishiya seemed like a wall, you couldn't tell what was behind it. She had no idea what the lie could be... did he like dogs? He didn't really look like a dog person- Akari didn't like to assume though... but hate dogs? That was a bit too much.. mabey that could be the lie. Or mabey the second one? Was he a spades player? He looked decently fit, but mabey that's just how he looks. And his first game, a dimonds game.. hmm he didn't look all to smart, but mabey it was a low level? What was the lie!? Akari didn't know, everytime she went to answer she paused... but oh well, nothing will happen if she gets It wrong, right?

"The... first one is a lie, I get some people not liking dogs but I don't think you would hate dogs"


Chishiya said.


"Wrong? You hate dogs?"

"I hate dogs"

"...what- why? Dogs are so cute!"


"What do you mea-"

She gets cut off by a sudden shock. Oh, so that was the punishment of getting it wrong? The shock wasn't too strong though.

"So being shocked is the punishment, hmm, interesting"

Ann mutters, watching the game fold out.

"It's your turn"

Chishiya spoke up, completely ignoring the fact akari was shocked, she sighs... How could somone hate dogs? It didn't make sence to her, she loved dogs!!

"Ok ok, let's spice things up a bit yeah? One, my biggest fear is hights. Two, my iq is 110. And three, I have never broken a bone in my life"

"Three is the lie"

"How do you know!?"

"Lucky geuss"

"You can't keep having lucky guesses dude..."

She sighs

"OK, your turn"

"One, I broke my arm when I was a year old. Two, my iq is 160. Three, I'm afraid of hights"

"Ah, your taking inspiration from my choices now"

She chuckles. Hmm, what could the answer be?

"I don't think you have an iq of 160, mabey like... 115, or 120 at most. So I think 2 is the lie"


"Ow! What the hell?"

Akari was zapped... it hurt more than last time, was the amount going up?..

"2 wasn't the lie?"

She asked


"What was the lie then?"

"I'm not afraid of hights"

"Huh... I should have said that"

"You should have"


Well this was just getting awkward.
Lucky, the 10 minute timer goes off and the door opens

"Congratulations, task cleared"

... well this had to be the most boring and useless task out of them all, but hey- I got to lern more about this chishiya guy! He's interesting, he seems rude though

Akari thought

Help I have no idea what I'm doing 💀 for this chapter atleast, can't wait to write the next though!! Make sure to vote!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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