the beach

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It had been over a week since the tag game. Arisu, chota, karube and shibuki had all joined a game. A strange place filled with plants everywhere. Arisu expected everything but what had happened. His friends... gone, just like that. Arisu had been too scared to search for there body's, so instead he just burned the entire place down... hoping they could rest in peace...
He layed there so broken for so long untill usagi came and saved him. He felt so bad, so bad that he wanted to live even though his friends were dead! But that's why he had to live... he had to live in there name, forever in debt to there sacrifice for his worthless, pathetic excuse of a life...
For karube right now, he had to find this so called Beach. Where was it? Arisu had no idea, but karube said that it would have all the answers.
So he and usagi worked hard and long to find this so called beach. And once they finally found it, once again he expected and prepared for everything but what had happened... and before he knew it. He and usagi were strapped to chairs infront of a man named hatter, who stood infront of huge card drawings with Xs on some.

(Time skip because we all know what happened)

"Chishiya, you can't keep skipping out on meetings! Hatters actually gonna get really mad one day"

Kuina whines at chishiya

"I heard we have 2 new utopian members, one had the 7 of hears"

That got chishiyas attention. 7 of hearts hmm? That definitely wouldn't be a nice game.

"That meeting wasn't important, it was more of a welcome ceremony for some newbies. And I'm not exactly a welcoming person"

Chishiya says, making kuina roll her eyes.

"And you think anyone else in that damn room is?"

"What about Ann?"

"Shut up chishiya!!"

Chishiya chuckles as kuina goes red, fighting the urge to hit or even kick chishiya for that comment.

"But, I heard there was another meeting later on today. If you don't go ill pour water on you in your sleep"

"Everyday I get more and more annoyed the doors don't have locks on them"

Chishiya say sighing, and nodding his head to go.

"Chishiya, your actually on time today"

Hatter says chuckling. Well somone was in a good mood today...
Chishiya glanced at hatter a bit confused about that but sits down in his spot. Niragi shoots chishiya a glare and chishiya just slightly smirks in response, making niragi scowl.

"Fucking prick"

Niragi growls. He seemed more out of control today, probably because aguni wasn't her-

Suddenly aguni walks in, with a fimilure face behind him. Aguni makes him stand against the wall before immediately going to hatters side. The boy looks around for a bit untill he spots chishiya. The boys eyes go wide and his mouth opens slightly, and chishiya waves playfully in response with a smirk.

"Aguni mentioned knowing this man from the 5 of spades, so am I right to assume you know him too, chishiya?"

Hatter comments, and chishiya nodds slightly still with a slight smirk on his face.

"Well that makes it a whole lot easier. Chishiya, can you bring arisu to his new room and explane to him the basics?"

Hatter asked, but everyone knew this wasn't a question.


Chishiya answes and gets up from his spot. He walks past arisu and motions him to follow. Once out to the hall, arisu couldn't contain himself any longer.

"So your a member of the beach? Why didn't you say anything back then?.."

"You didn't ask"

"How was I supposed to ask about somthing that I didn't even know existed??"


Arisu sighs, this guy is confusing...

"So I assume your the white hoddie guy karube was talking about...the one who told him to come here"

"Corect, speaking of, where is he?"

Arisu paused, looking down a bit. And that told chishiya all he needed to know.

"A shame really, he was kinda cool"

Chishiya says, before grabbing arisus wrist

"Hey- what are you doing?"

Arisu says a bit panicked, making chishiya chuckle.

"Your room number is on your bracelet, I need to know where I'm leading you don't I?"

Arisu seemed to calm down after hearing that, and let's chishiya look.

"OK, let's go"

Chishiya leads arisu quietly down the hallways, the only sound being there footsteps and distant groups of people talking. Arisu decided to speak up after a moment.

"...usagi is here too, remember her?"

"I do"

He answers simply.

"So... umm, who's the big man with the buzz cut?"

Arisu asked.

"That's aguni, he's the leader of the militiants"

"The militiants?"

"To put it simply, utopian are not allowed to have weapons. But the Executives are. The executives have 2 groups, militiants and Idealist. The militiants are the ones who specialize in weapons. Most of the time runing around scaring people or killing traitors. The one who leads them and keeps them somwhat in control is aguni. But secretly it's also to keep the more dangerous people in control"

" giving them guns?"

"By giving them guns"

Chishiya chuckles before Arisu continues with another question.

"But I thought hatter was the leader?"

"He is, but aguni is like... his right hand man. Second in command if you will. Aguni runs the militiants, hatter runs the Idealist. And hatter leads the whole place. To make it more simpler, hatter is in command of aguni who controls the militiants meaning hatter controls them all leaching off of agunis work. You get it?"

"..yeah, sort of. So the militiants, they like... kill people? Like they purposefully kill people with the idea of actually killing them?"

"No, they kill them with the idea of making grilled cheese sandwiches. Obviously they kill to kill. Under orders though, so unless you do somthing stupid you'll be fine. And hatter has seemed to take a liking to you too"

"Is that a good thing?"

Chishiya chuckles a bit

"You better hope it is. But anyway, this is your room"

Chishiya says stopping outside of a door, that arisu soon opens. The room was the same basic one everyone had, but arisu seemed amazed. It's probably been a while since he's seen a bed, and it's definitely been a while since he showered...

"There is a bed, a desk, and a bathroom in there. We have heat and lights obviously. But we also have running water, it's a bit cold but it's not freezing. You should clean up and get some rest, yeah?"

"Yeah... thank you"

Arisu says quietly, still in shock about the room. So chishiya just closed the door on his way out and left arisu alone to prosses whatever it was he was going through right now.

Alright, I don't have much to say about this right now other than it's finally time to get into the action. Thank you guys for reading, and make sure to vote to show your support!!

(1176 words)

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