The day before 17

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Today is the day. Today is the day that Lucy was going to change her life forever. Today is the day that Tamara will finally have a steady family

Lucy woke up just before Tamara could leave for school and she quickly go to work on the pre-birthday festivities in which they would celebrate Tamara's last day of being 16. Lucy whipped up some pancakes and presented them neatly on a plate where they were accompanied by an assortment of berries, maple syrup and a but-load of the finest whipped cream.

At half past 8 Tamara greeted Lucy bursting with excitement for her plans of the day "Lucyyyyyyyy you know what day it is right" Tamara began "You know what I don't think I recall... do I have a date with Tim tonight" Lucy said smirking "Nooo and ewww it's my last day of being 16 tomorrow I'm 17" Lucy rolled her eyes and looked over to the clock "We're going to be late!" She yelled startling the young girl. They both burst into their room and got their stuff

Lucy shortly arrived at the station and was greeted by Angela "Soo today is the day... are you ready?" Angela questioned Lucy "I don't think I've ever been ready for anything like this but hopefully it goes well" Lucy went into the locker room to change

Time Skip to Tamara's pre-party

"Alright so the ballon's are up, the cake is ready and the banners are up I feel like I'm forgetting something am I ?" Lucy asked Tim "Nope you got all of the decorations but you do need to keep the envelope out" he reminded her

Of course that was the one thing that she was forgetting the uttermost one important thing. Lucy got the envelope and placed it on top of the cake. Feeling satisfied with herself she got herself ready for the party while Tim made the final touches to the decorations.

Time skip to 11:45 when everyone is there (all of Lucy's friends)

"So before we cut the cake I think there some thing you'll want me to open as it's well on top of my cake" Tamara giggled "Well yes of course since it seems so important" Nyla replied

Tamara took the envelope in her hands and read who the letter was addressed to Miss Tamara Collins. She open the envelope and out fell a certificate once she picked it up she read aloud "The State of California Herby deems Miss Tamara Collins As Miss Tamara Chen Daughter of Miss Lucy Chen." Tamara re-read it again seeing if this was a joke ; she finally looked up to be greeted by Lucy's warm brown eyes and said "Are you serious ?"
"Of course as I said before we're family and I don't think in the sister sort of way" Lucy replied positively beaming with pride at her hopefully official daughter. Lucy could see the pools of water begging to form in Tamara's eyes and was slightly disheartened but she had to be strong for her "Oh no, no please don't cry. I'm very serious about being your mother I mean since you called me mom the other day it all I could think about then I couldn't stand the thought that you would go through your last legal year of childhood with a sort of parent an I just figured that would be me" Lucy rambled

Tamara laughed at her mother's site "Lucy you've always been my mother in one way or another now I guess it's finally official. I mean you know what they say we do look alike"
Lucy smiled at her the kind of smile that could send a thousand suns away.

It all ended when Tamara was put into a deep slumber happy to start her year of 17 with a mother.

It was only Lucy and Tim left "You know one day I'll make you both Bradfords"

"One day baby one day indeed"

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