Her biological puppy (pt.2)

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Once it was only them left in the room he made his way towards the baby Tim said "You know puppy your mom's a pretty awesome cop"...

"She's not a puppy she's my baby" Lucy said triumphantly at him   "So where's her dad ?" Tim asked with genuine curiosity "I have no honest clue... I hooked up with this guy last year Valentines Day and he got me pregnant. All I know is that he was a police officer and inspired me to follow the same career pathway. You know I do see what Angela was saying Tamara does look like you. Huh imagine that, I did the deed with my T.O before I knew he was my T.O" Lucy laughed

Something about her laugh seemed all too familiar to him reminding him of that girl from the bar last year. Her situation seemed all too known to him as Tim recalled having a one night stand with a mysterious, sexy girl in a bar. He shrugged it off as there are so many bars across L.A there's no possible chance that they were at the same one. Of course neither of them could confirm it as their memory only held glimpses of their fun.

"So you mentioned that he was or is a police officer " Tim confirmed
"Yeah why is that relevant"
"It's just that if he is a police officer like you say then the system has all his medical records so we could cross reference Tamara's DNA with a simple blood test and then Tamara will have a father. That's of course if you want to know" Tim said knowing that this would help them
"I don't like that idea of Tamara being tested with her blood and in all honesty I don't really know if I want to find Tamara's father as it just good with the two of us and her father will make it all complicated" Lucy told him while cradling Tamara "I'm going to get something to eat do you want anything?"
"No thanks I'm good" Tim simply told her

"You know can't we use Tamara's fingernails or hair to get DNA" Lucy asked before leaving
"We can do does that mean you want to do it" Tim asked stunned with the change of heart
"Well I can't not know if my baby has any diseases that are genetic and I'd rather on on the safe side also I trust you to know cause I'm not entirely sure if I want to know him"

Lucy arrived back with food and a mission: sit Tamara up, feed her while Tim tries to clip her fingernails, then Tim will run to testing and the result will be rushed then end. Nothing could go wrong (hopefully)

Tim watched as Lucy was sat the baby up in order to feed her. He was amused watching her daughter through numerous tantrums making Lucy struggle in feeding her. He ultimately wondered how one at her would he clip Tamara's fingernails without being a subject to the damage the small child had gone on or home he would properly do it in order for it not to hurt her. Lucy glared daggers at Tim; this was his signal to go and safely recover a few fingernails. The young child was all over the place making it impossible for them to do their jobs. Tim gently held Tamara's hand successfully retrieving to fingernails from the child. Their plan worked

Lucy ,on the other hand, was covered in the remnants of baby food. Her top looked like a gourmet meal rather than an item of clothing. Tim did what he had to do and ran with the nails to be tested while she was covered in the slime of puréed apples and pears.

"So I took the nails to be well whatever they do and-" Tim started his sentence as Lucy turned around to face him with mini fires in her pupils rather than pools of warm, honey brown. "Where were you?" Lucy asked
"Well per plan, I was-" Tim began
"It was a rhetorical question, read the room you left me and look what I had to endure !" Lucy snapped

Tim looked at her blankly.

Tim laughed at her.

"Don't you dare think of taking pictures. I'm all slimy and sticky and just ew all together and to top it all off I don't have a spare shirt!" Lucy exclaimed
"Listen I can solve one of your many problems. I have a spare shirt in my locker so let me take Tamara while you go and change" Tim replied
"Thank you and lead the way" Lucy remarked

The three of them went into the men's locker room and Tim gave Lucy his spare shirt and escorted her to one of the changing rooms. Lucy shut the door but the door slightly opened again as she was changing with her back faced to Tim. Tim acknowledged this and turned around covering baby Tamara's eye but he noticed a tattoo on the back side of Lucy's neck.  He was too stunned to even think

Tim had saw this tattoo before

He saw this same exact tattoo on the mysterious girl from the bar last year

The same girl he hooked up with on Valentine's Day

Flashback:  "Lucy. My name is Lucy" the mysterious woman said as they laid in bed together "I mean it's the least I could tell you after well this". "Hi Lucy" Tim said while intertwining their hands and bent down for a kiss; initiating the many rounds of fun they had

He slept with Lucy

Lucy had a baby

Lucy had his baby

He has a kid

iPhone text message "Results from Tamara Chen's paternity test is matched to Officer Tim Bradford"

Well it's confirmed now. Tamara is his daughter and his rookie is Tamara's mother.

Lucy came out of the bathroom with fresh clothes and picked up on Tim's concerned facial expression

"What's wrong... are those the results?"


"And what do they say?"

"Tamara's father is..."

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