Cuffs are Not your Most Attractive Look

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Sergeant Tim Bradford - custody of Officer Thorsen.

Status: waiting to be checked in, prints taken, documents are being signed

Humiliation? No. 

 Pride? No. 

Stupidity? Maybe.

 Dumb luck? Definitely. 

Ray had played his cards well. He had successfully managed to incriminate Tim by a) planting fake weapons in his car after stealing Lucy's address b) managed to secure the force of his fellow colleagues to arrest him 'until proven guilty'.  

He never knew what it felt like to be in this position (obviously there were times when he had to act like it but this was different). Word around the station spread quickly: Sergeant Tim Bradford, an officer of the good law had just been caught with undocumented weapons in his car. So long to that nice clean record; now tarnished by the aggravating presence of Ray. However, Tim was indeed an exceptional officer so if he was going to be incriminated for a false crime, his entrapper would surely suffer the same fate as him. 

It was pleasant to see Ray writhe in the captivity of the cell, itching to instigate a long awaited fight from years ago.  Much to their dismay they were paired in the same cell, only four walls to entrap their deep hatred for one another only four walls to release harsh feelings from long ago. 

"Y'know Bradford, I gotta tell you your pretty girlfriend is too good for you." 

Tim grumbled in response, "Yeah she is." 


Cuffs had no restriction on the force applied to Ray's neck as Tim pushed the cold steel restraints into his neck, "What did you say about her." Tim sneer threatening to permanently cut off his oxygen supply. "She's... fucking...gorgeous." Ray strained to build the words as he ignited an infallible fire in Tim. 

The sound of flesh reverberating against the lifeless metal concrete rang through the cell; alarming both inmates and officers. "Do not make me repeat myself. How did you know about her!" Tim spoke through his teeth. 

"As I said before Sarge, Lucy and her teen were expecting me. They had a pizza on the way to their apartment and I just had to pay dear Lucy a visit. How unfortunate that she threatened to shoot me though. She would have made a lovely accomplice in my line of work. And as I recall once your line of work. Isn't that right Sarge?" Words weren't enough to express the rage that Tim felt but actions were. He pressed Ray's head deeper into the concrete. 

The door rattled as a fuming Sergeant Grey walked through the door, breaking up the two men from fighting like children. He escorted Ray towards another cell in isolation as he was sure to not be receiving any other visitors for the rest of the night. Sergeant Grey granted Tim the serenity of his own cell. No Ray. No past problems. Just solitude. Plain and lonely, his old self would have basked in it. His new self yearned for Lucy and wondered when she would come to see him and then bail him out. 

8:30pm - half an hour before visiting time ends 

Lucy stormed through the halls of the booking floor, her anger etched on her face. Every officer she passed could feel the intensity radiating from her. She wasn't here to play game or exchange pleasantries; she was here for her idiot of a boyfriend. 

As she approached his cell, she saw him with his head in his hands. The noise of the cell block seemed to fade as their eyes met. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the weight of the situation placing a physical barrier between them. 

Finally, Lucy broke the silence with a wry smile. "Cuffs are not your most attractive look," she jested with all intensions of having her fun in teasing him before he was to be released. 

Tim look up, his eyes softened at the sight of her. "Maybe not," he relied, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and affection. "But they're most definitely your most attractive look."

Lucy lost all ability to breathe, she contemplated whether to laugh at his ability to joke around considering his current whereabouts. A pout gave in along with a minor blush of embarrassment. "Only you could say something like this." 

Tim shrugged, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Gotta find some way to make this more bearable." 

Her smile faded quickly, being replaced by a flash of anger. She stepped closer to the bars, along with Tim as he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. Her eyes narrowed. "What they hell happened? The last time I saw you, you ditched our date and ghosted me for days. Now I find you here?"  

Tim sighed running a hand through his hair. "I was set up. They found unlicensed weapons in my car and called Thorsen to lock me up." 

Lucy's eyes hardened, "Did you old friend Ray do this?" 

Tim froze, after all he did explicitly tell him that he went to visit her. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this." 

"Oh I know you are. He came to the apartment. He invited himself in. I couldn't even reach my gun to protect Tamara. What is she had been alone. Then what!" Lucy semi-yelled. 

"I'm sorry baby, now shall we get out of her and I can make up for our lost date night." 

"I only came because I wanted to see you alive for myself." She gave him one last look and walked away from him. 

"Luce," Tim chuckled as she left. It only become real when he heard the door sliding to shut him in his confinement "Lucy!" 


The next morning Tim had entered the reception of the station - a free man one would say but as he was innocent (as Wesley had so effortlessly proved) he needed to speak to his girlfriend, the same girlfriend that left him to sleep in a jail cell last night. 

Nolan saw him and said told him that he had missed a hell of party last night, when he inquired more about it turns out Lucy had a party in a bar and got sinfully wasted leading her to belt our kareoke for the rest of the night. Tim snapped at John, rightfully scaring him away. 

He entered the elevator and much to his look Lucy was there and on the bink of escaping his grasp - that wouldn't happen. Lucy had obviously seen him to and was doing her very best to ignore him and go about her day. But he had grabbed her arms and pulled her back into the elevator with him, it was only them in the elevator.

"How was the party." 

"It was fine. Im sorry you missed it." She replied seething. 

"Thanks to Wesley I avoided being incarcerated, do you know what that means."  

Lucy rolled her eyes, "That mean you have shitty friends from the 'golden' days." 

She sighed before exclaiming, "God. Tim. You smell." 
                                                                                                                                                                                                    He had cut her off, " Yeah I know what I smell like - thank goodness they cleared me for duty." 

They elevator had stopped on the bullpen level and Lucy told him "Got to go."  

Tim had very sternly told her "We still have to talk about this." 


This was heavily inspired by Grey's Anatomy season 7 episodes 1 and 2.

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