The Languages Game

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The power went out. AGAIN! In the neighbourhood of Mid-Wilshire there was yet again another heat wave which meant no power, no A.C, no cold beers and wine in the comfort of their homes. So the solution was simple. Everyone head to John's house. How simple... he was a contractor so the whole gang knew that they could rely on him for all of their heat wave struggles. 

Unfortunately this heatwave resulted in harsh comments flying from the mouth of Lucy and Tim at each other in their shop. If Tim wasn't as in love with Lucy as he was, he would have personally took it to heart that his beloved shop had heard the vile extremities they were spitting out at each other. 





"Man-Whore!" ... and many more 

This was all kindly exchanged on an open channel: John and Celina spent the rest of their shift trying to fix their dear friend's violent interpretation of one another, Aaron started conspiring the root of their drama, Nyla recorded all of their exchanges for "detective" purposes, Angela had to stop her shop and get out of it as she was almost pissing per pants at their lover quarrels and Sergeant Grey couldn't really care. 

John and Angela being the meddling angels they are invited everyone to John's house for a small get together (cool refreshments and beverages were promised which secured the deal.)


Tim was last to arrive to the Nolan's house and his presence casted a shadow over the jovial atmosphere as everyone reminisced over his latest dispute with Lucy. The awkward silence had truly got to everyone before Bailey proposed the idea of playing a harmless (frankly childish) game in an attempt to sear through the tension. 

"It's fairly simple, so I'll spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to well break to ice in a different language." Bailey stated quite pleased with her idea. 

"I still don't get it," John admitted getting a harsh glare from his wife quite quickly softening her gaze to further explain to her clueless beau, "Everyone sitting in our circle will take turns speaking in a different language - fairly simple fairly innocent ok ?" John quizzically nodded in approval. 

"Alright I'll spin first!" Angela exclaimed anticipating the events that the game would bring. The bottle seamlessly spun against the floor; as it finally came the rest its neck pointed at its chosen target, the silence broke as the game commenced. 

"Wesley Evers... show us what you got." Angela was clearing gleaming after the bottle chose her husband 

"Ok...was soll ich sagen. Scheiße! Ich spreche seit Ewigkeiten kein Deutsch mehr (Ok... what do i say. Shit! I haven't spoken German in ages.)" Angela sat there with her mouth almost touching the floor. "Nun, ich habe etwas gesagt, was soll ich jetzt tun? (Well I said something what do i do now)"

"Du drehst die Flasche (You spin the bottle)" Bailey replied earning looks off awe an impression. Their looks stated one simple sentence 'you can speak German I didn't know you could do that'. Wesley span the bottle avoiding the searing eyes of his wife. 

The next target was Aaron, he began "Cavolo! Ragazzi, è stato assolutamente fantastico. Potresti parlare tedesco così facilmente, voglio dire, ti uscavia dalla lingua. E pensavo che il tedesco non fosse una lingua romantica. Wow! (Geez! Guys that was absolutely awesome. You could so easily speak German, I mean it was rolling off your tongues. And I thought German wasn't a romantic language. Just wow!)

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