Tamara Chen, daughter of Lucy Chen

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Tamara's POV all through


"Ahemmm," Tamara stated as she slid through the young couples proximity, "there are other rooms in the apartment for that." she wagged her finger as if she was scolding two infants.

"I thought you were sleeping in today," Lucy added as she made her way back into her boyfriends embrace,"since you have no classes."

"I was," she admitted," but them i was pulled out of my slumber by the smell of pancakes."

"Yeah!" Tim gleamed proudly, "Do you want some ? One or two?"

"Three please." Tim raised his eyebrows as he looked at Tamara then back to Lucy who reciprocated his same expression but in a teasing manner.

Tamara saw how Lucy obliged to her doorbells calls and observed how Tim's body tensed up before running to stop her. Fishy? "No no wait!" He exclaimed, what is he hiding and it obviously can't be good. "Shit!" he exclaimed as he placed the pancake batter down, "I totally I'm forgot um." Who did this guy think he was and why was he making these lame excuses. "Isabel texted me." Wasn't Isabel Tim's ex-wife she recalled and then looked toward Lucy as her body tensed up at the name of 'Isabel'.

"She's in town and needed to talk so I told her to come here." Tim waffled out and explanation. The nerve of him to bring his ex-wife to their apartment most importantly without their consent. How would Tim feel if Lucy brought Chris over to his house to just 'talk'! If Tamara was in Lucy's position (she thought) she would not fall a victim of Tim's poor reasoning. Unfortunately Lucy did not have the same thought process as her. "I hope that's okay?"

Tamara opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind before she was cut off the the pales sounding voice, " Oh. Yeah-um-I. Of course. Of course," she smiled but it was all fake. Lucy could fool Tim with all her undercover school tricks but not her.

"I'm sorry i meant to tell you," All lies she thought as Tim offered another excuse," after you got out of the shower but y'know I got in the shower and..." Tim explained as he leant into Lucy's body (practically showcasing their height difference). "Stop," Lucy giggled as Tim closed the space while gently slapping him. Tamara could not be more grossed out in that moment.

"Uh. Please stop." Tamara complained realising the amount of time they left their unwanted visitor waiting - Tamara although grossed out she really hoped that Isabel heard every bit of that conversation and felt as grossed out as she was but in a more personal level. "I'll get it." At this moment Tamara decided that she would be the lovely thorn in Tim and Isabel's side on purpose just to spite back at them also for her pure enjoyment.

She could hear Tim still apologising and Lucy falsely forgiving him.

"Hi. You must be Isabel." Tamara greeted as she flashed her best fake 'Lucy undercover' style smile. Tamara noticed how Isabel had self-invited herself into the doorframe of the apartment and she was bewildered at the audacity of her. She smirked as she offered her hand and said: "I'm Tamara Chen, Lucy's daughter."

The way Isabel's face froze up was such a memorable sight. The way her hand slowly twitched to meet Tamara's warm handshake. "Hey." Isabel spat out (not in a bad way but in a jealous/star struck kind of way.)

"Hey. Look at you, you look great." Tim complimented her as he went to hug her. Tim Bradford does not do hugs, he does not give hugs nor does her receive them from anyone but Tamara's mother. Tamara shut the door and rolled her and scrunched her mouth in an attempt not to make a foul face for Tim's cop eyes to notice but enough for Lucy to hint at. Tamara immediately went and stood next to Lucy, with her arms crossed looking Isabel and Tim up and down while Lucy scowled at her telepathically. She provided the young girl a look which screamt 'seriously' but in an agreeable manner.

Isabel looked toward the mother and daughter duo before addressing Lucy; "It's nice to see you again Lucy. Thanks for letting me crash your breakfast." It was a decent sort of friendly statement but still they jealously hung in that air. "No not at all. Uhm can I get you something?" Lucy offered with the small shreds of courtesy "Wouldn't say no to some coffee."

Throughout Lucy and Isabel's rather awkward exchange, Tamara stared through Tim's soul, she gave him a look only the devil will bestow on people. A look so fierce, gods crawl back home. Tim just had to be the first victim to this.

Tim escorted her to the couch to catch up more leaving them in the kitchen to tend to the exes coffee requests. Before Isabel could address the main motives behind her visit she pondered the question aloud; "I didn't know you had a daughter Lucy. Aren't you young. How do you manage?"

If they weren't both on edge and angered this pushed the mother daughter duo over the edge. "So basically Lucy is my mom as we've established and she's a pretty awesome mom at that too. She loves me more than Tim which is a big statement. And Officer Zaddy is really like my dad but at this moment he is demoted to person that my mom is in a romantic relationship with. Also she manages pretty well after all she's been through." Tamara justly stated.

"What do you 'demoted to person that my mom is in a romantic relationship with'?" Tim questioned clearly puzzled. "Baby, this is why you're a Metro Sergeant not detective." Lucy told him which was quite funny as Isabel obviously understood the joke. They began to talk about official police business leaving their petty white comments undivided to.

Tamara sat there listening as she ate her three pancakes happy with the outcome of the morning and he missions:
1) make Isabel feel out of place
2) tease Tim
3) be angry at Tim
4) praise her mom
5) no one messes with mother and daughter Chen not even Bradford

At the end of the day Tamara was happy to be called Tamara Chen, daughter of Lucy Chen & on some days Tim Bradford (when he's not an ass.)

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