Her biological puppy

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Aftermath of season 1 finale and the fist episode of season two (more chenford content will resume next chapter)

Valentines Day 2018

Tim held his head in his hands as he completed the means of his relationship with Isabel. She had reminded him once again that they needed a break from each other on Valentine's Day as today marked to day she ran away; just the reminder he needed after a long shift with his rookie. He had the urge to drown the colour and sound out of the world around him just so he wouldn't have to be by his lonesome on a day dedicated to love however a fit of giggles came from the girl sitting opposite him ....

Lucy used to love Valentine's Day. She loved the blossom of new love in the air taking its first steps and the steady pace of old love continually being strengthened by the pure magic of this day. The key word being here: used. After a long evening of lectures she had returned to the apartment hoping to be eased by her boyfriend's calming face. She did not find that. When she opened the door to the apartment the air felt different it wasn't warm with the raw love of Valentine's Day but reeked with the odour of impure lust. She shrugged it off and walked towards their bedroom... she opened the door and in that moment the world stopped. Her boyfriend was in their bed with her best friend. Her boyfriend was having current, casual sex with her best friend in their bed. At this time the tension was soo thick that even the dirty cheaters realised that Lucy was at the door. "Seriously. Seriously! On Valentine's Day! With her! With him! Don't let me disturb you!?" She yelled at them and walked out of their apartment. She felt dirty and she needed tequila to solve all her problems.

Tim analysed every curve of her body absolutely everything he could see. If anyone saw him looking at her they would say that he is utterly devouring her with his eyes. Lucy physically looked gorgeous mentally she felt like a bus had hit her multiple times each time worse than the last that was until she saw a mysteriously sexy looking man practically eye fucking her there

"You know you can talk to me . I'm not a statue" she told him while swirling the tequila in her glass
"Well it's not as fun as looking at you squirm at my sight" he replied infatuated with her
"Baby if you want to make me squirm at your touch all you have to do is ask"
"Maybe I will. Tim" he offered
"Nice to meet you Tim" Lucy replied
"Someone doesn't understand first names basis" he queried
"Well Officer you clearly have the brawl let see if you have the brained to figure my name out"
"I don't think I mentioned anything about being a cop, did I?"
"Of course not sir but an ex-psychology student can tell"
"So a pretty girl like yourself wouldn't be at a bar all alone on this special day would she" he asked, his voice seeping with mild sarcasm
"I could say the same for you but I think you know" she replied

They continued their playful antics, quite quickly adding shots in this mix then adding stolen kisses in the mix and leaving together in the mix

That night was unforgettable for both of them. Of course they couldn't remember exactly who they were with but definitely they knew that they would do it again. If any memory Lucy took away from her experience with her mystery man is that she would spite her ex and her parents by enrolling in the nearby police academy (much to her knowledge it wasn't the only thing Tim left her with.) 

Skip to September 2019

"Lockdown within the station will now be vital for Officers Chen, Nolan, West, Bradford, Lopez and myself. This includes yourselves and your family. At approximately 1630 hours yesterday you all came into some contact with the virus so for now to ensure the safety of the people of L.A wear a mask while finishing your remaining hour of your shift. Understood ... good ... dismissed."  

Lucy was fucked. She couldn't leave her at home with Rachel for a whole night while she stayed safe moreover she couldn't ask Rachel to pick her up from daycare and spend the night looking after her. Could she or should she just risk it all and come clean? No. That's a last minute resort. In this case it seemed like she ran out of minutes. She was so engaged with her thoughts that she completely forgot that her training officer was waiting for her in the shop. For about 10 minutes she sat frozen in her seat trying to calculate the best way to get out of a lockdown within the station.

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