An Altar at the Beach

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                                        You have been cordially invited to the union of 

                                                                             Timothy Bradford 

                                                                             & Ashely McGrady 

                                                on the 10th July 2024 at 3pm on Venice Beach 

Great! She had received a pity invite to the wedding of her ex and his lifeguard barbie girlfriend - well fiancé. This year couldn't get any worse: first she had placed 17th on the detective exam then Tim broke up with her over a month ago now this! This was the date (3 months prior to that) when Tim had decided to call it quits. He definitely had other motives behind their sudden separation. This just confirmed then all; she was everything all of his exes weren't. Now he's getting married in a week. 

There was no doubt that Lucy had still loved Tim with every inch of her being but it wasn't enough for him. As she recalled, he needed time by himself  to figure out an assortment of things resulting in his need to break it off (one less responsibility for him) but this was a gunshot wound to her heart. He was just a lying liar who lies. And she had been pity invited to his wedding. Great! 

One week later: 10th July 1pm 

Lucy peacefully woke up to the afternoon sun-ray beams dancing across her face, a collection of tear stained tissues decorated on her duvet and a pair of harsh brown eyes etching themselves into her soul. "Geez T, creepy much." Lucy whined as she tossed in her bed to the cleaner side of her bed. 

"I'm checking up on you." The young girl simply answered. Lucy knew how Tamara had bold impulses to act on her stalkerish impulses. "You sure? I would've expected you to already have a gun licence incase you wanted to I don't know crash a certain wedding." She explained greatly hinting at the 'certain wedding' comment. "Well I wouldn't be opposed to doing so!" The young girl rejoiced in anticipation. 

"No... we are not ruing their day," she absolutely hated knowing that 'the love of her life' was getting claimed by another woman. "You know Luce, I heard all the crying last night... you're not exactly quiet," Tamara informed an unusually quiet Lucy,"it's not to late y'know. Officer Zaddy was a complete and total ass for breaking up with you then deciding that his wedding should be exactly three months after you broke up. But, you can still tell him that he's making a grave mistake." Lucy opened her mouth to protest but the words wouldn't form. "Don't even try to deny it Luce. You love him as much as you love me which is obviously a lot," that earned a little laugh, "You literally cried and drank your sorrow away knowing that he was getting married today." 

"T, I think a part of me will always love him but he move on more easily than me." The older woman sighed. Just before she could continue listing reasons why she was saving herself the misery of dressing up for a union she doesn't believe in. Her doorbell rang, taking Tamra's attention away from the messy state of a human and allowing Lucy to truly enjoy the comfort she invested in when purchasing it. 

"Lucy, it's for you." Tamara called out. 

"I'm not getting out of bed so people at the door feel free to come in and make yourself at home." Lucy replied inviting a cluster of her friends in. 

John, Bailey, Aaron, Celina, Nyla and Luna Grey stood around her bed taking in the sorry site of Lucy Chen. None of them were dressed in formal attire which concerned Lucy. "Shouldn't you'll be dressed and helping with the wedding ?" She questioned at their causal attire, not appropriate for the celebration of love, the thought made her gag a bit. Lucy had hoped that they would tell her that this is what they're wearing to the wedding so that they can bomb the photos and everyone knows that wedding photos are the best part of a wedding. "Lucy honey, we're not going to the wedding." Luna explained

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