11 - Yeosang

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Getting to the restaurant, I jumped out of the car and quickly skipped inside. My favorite place for chicken! This is going to be amazing. Chicken is the best food in the world!

"You really jumped out of my car through the window?!" Seonghwa walked in.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll do anything for chicken!" I pointed at the menu.

"You didn't even wait for me to park."

"You were taking too long."

"As the driver, I'm liable for your ass when you're in my car."

"It's not like you want me to live anyway!"

"Well, I don't want a ticket or be charged with murder. We both know our friends would pin it on me."

I stuck my tongue out at him before I skipped over to order. Pulling Seonghwa over so he could order too as I snuck over to a table and sat down. He turned and glared at me and paid before he came over to sit.

I swung my legs back and forth. Im just happy for some chicken. I did a small dance.

"You are paying next time we get food."

"That's fine." I kept my smile. "As long as I get my chicken."

"You're weirdly happy. Disgusting."

"I'm getting chicken. Nothing can ruin chicken." He was about to open his mouth and I quickly shoved the table into his stomach. "Say anything to somehow ruin chicken, I will stab you right here and now." I glared.

He glared. He rubbed his stomach.

I quickly reached over and grabbed his hand. "When the fuck did you start wearing rings?" I looked at them. They are actually really nice.

"My mom got them for me."

"Here you go." The waitress placed our food down on the table.

"Thank you." We thanked her.

"You both look very cute together by the way." She whispered before she left.

I looked at him. I then looked at our hands. Quickly pulling away from each other and just slouching. We just stared at each other. Both of us ate quickly and quietly. Getting out of there we both gagged.

"Ok, that might have ruined chicken for me." I covered my mouth.

"What? The idea of dating me is that nauseating to you?!"

I turned around and glared. "Yes! The idea of it is absolutely disgusting. The only thing I would ever date you for is your hotness. Other than that, hell no."

"I can say the same about you." He just walked to his car.

It felt awkward now because he sounded so hurt by it. Why the fuck does he give a shit about what I think?

I looked around a bit awkwardly before my attention was caught by something. I squealed. I looked back and forth between Seonghwa and the shop. I skipped over to the shop. Going in and going straight to the drones. Looking at the price.

"What the fuck!" I whispered. "Five hundred. So damn much."

I don't know how long I stared at it but it was a while. Looking around a bit more. My soul left my body seeing how much some of them are. Going back to the first one and picked it up. I went to the cashier and placed it on the counter. He scanned it. I pulled my card out and paid for it. Happy as I skipped over to Seonghwa's car and got in. Very surprised that he was still here.

"What the fuck?"

"Drone." I smiled. "I've always wanted one." I hugged it. "And now I have one!"

He just started the car and we went back to the dorms.

Quickly going back to the dorms and happy that our friends weren't there anymore. "Oh thank god, I don't have to feel like a damn third wheel." I sat on the couch and opened the box.

"You bought a damn drone for five hundred?!" I looked up and he took out the receipt.

"Well yeah, it was one of the cheaper ones. This is one of the first things that I have ever bought for myself." I took the controller out and turned on the drone.

I played with it for a bit before putting it away. Seonghwa was passed out on the couch. Not wanting to be loud. I turned the light off.

Going back to my room. Grabbing some clothes and going to the bathroom.

Turning the heater on along with the shower. Stripping off my clothes. I stared in the mirror. My roots are showing. I need to get it touched up.

I got inside the shower once the mirror became foggy. A shiver went up my spine as I felt the hot water hit my back. Leaning my head back, letting the water run down my head.

Staring at the ceiling for a bit.

Bringing my head back up.

Quickly washing my hair and body. I started to feel a bit heated. Gritting my teeth a bit. I let out a whimper. I was a little annoyed.

I don't know what has gotten into me to feel like this all of a sudden. Sliding down the wall. Sliding my hand in between my legs and letting out a moan. My breathing was heavy as I touched myself.

The feeling of myself getting hotter bugged me. My legs shook. My head felt fuzzy. It started to hurt. I shut my eyes.

I arched my back.

My eyes rolled back once I opened my eyes. Pulling my hand out from my legs once it felt like I was getting nowhere.

I whined. I don't like this feeling. I reached down and put a finger in. After a bit, I added another finger. I fingered myself. Curling my fingers and quickened my pace.

I let out a moan.

This feels so much better.

My legs wouldn't stop shaking. A feeling built up in my stomach. It was building up too quickly. I didn't know what to do but I went on with it anyway. Shaking my head as the feeling really built up. It came too quickly.

I moaned as I felt a release. I leaned my head back on the wall as I caught my breath. My head still felt fuzzy. I stood up and turned the shower off.

Getting out and quickly changing. I fanned my face as I opened the bathroom door. I was met with Seonghwa sitting at the counter eating some chips. He smirked at me.

"Sounded like you had fun."

I felt my face start to feel hot as my face dropped.

"Shut the hell up!" I covered my face once I dropped all the things I had in my hands.

"Why are you so embarrassed by it? It's a normal thing to do..... Wait is this your first time doing it?"

"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I uncovered my face.

"How did you...." "Shut it. That is a personal question and I'm not going to answer that!"

I went into my room. Closing the door.

"If you need any help with it you can come to me, princess!" He laughed.

That fucken dick head.

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