67 - Yeosang

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I sighed.

Is his college far? How far away is his college? Why hasn't he told me where he plans on going to?

"What's up with you?" Wooyoung hugged me. He laid his head on my shoulder.

I sighed again. "Seonghwa hasn't told me what school he wants to go to."


"Well, I just want to know."

"Does it bug you that he hasn't told you yet?" I nodded. "Why is that?"

"He told me that the school that he wants to go to is farther than he thought."

He sat up. "Oh. Did he say how far?"

I shook my head. "He did tell me that he would need to be dorming. Of course, he has to if it's far."

"Did he drop any hints on where it could be?"


"Maybe he hasn't said anything because it might be abroad..." My eyes widened. "He might think you won't be accepting of it." He shrugged.


"What we talking about?" Yunho and Jongho sat down.

"Oh, we are just talking about how Seonghwa might go to college abroad." Wooyoung said.

I held onto my shirt. It felt like I couldn't breathe all of a sudden.

"Abroad?" Yunho asked. "That's fun."

"I'm pretty sure he isn't." Jongho said. I quickly looked at him. "When we were celebrating Yeosang's results for his scores, I walked in on Seonghwa and Hongjoong talking. I had thought that they said that Seonghwa was going abroad but it was just me since I had just woken up at that time. Hongjoong told me that it was one of Seonghwa's friends that is going to school in America."

I sighed in relief. I felt like I was actually able to breathe again. "Are you sure?" He nodded. "Oh thank fuck."

"But you still never know."


"But he most likely isn't but I don't know, that's just me."

I laid my head on the table and whined.

"Is everything ok?" Seonghwa sat down next to me and gave me a kiss on the head.

Sitting up and smiling at him. Giving him a kiss. "Yeah. Just got worried for nothing."

He laughed. "About what?"

I looked at my friends. They just looked away from me. They dare abandon me in my time of need?!

"Just about where you're going to college." I said.

He stared at me for a bit. He looked away. "Yeah, ok."

What? Why did he react like that? "Is something wrong?"

"I got to go." He quickly got up and left.

I turned back to my friends and they were all staring at me.

"Uhh.... ok?" Wooyoung asked.

"What?" Yunho was confused.

"Dude, is hiding something." Jongho said. "But that ain't my business." He shrugged.

"Maybe he isn't into the whole college thing?" Wooyoung said.

"Why wouldn't he be?" I looked at him.

"Well, you said he was going to take over his dad's company so... Maybe he isn't going to college and doesn't want to tell you..."

Seonghwa not going to college?! That is crazy talk! Of course he is going!... Right?

"But he told me that he is."

"There is something called lying." He shrugged. "But I don't know. Im not him."

"Maybe he doesn't like the topic of college because you guys won't going to be going to the same one." Yunho said.

"Yeah. That. Focus on that." Wooyoung smiled.

I pouted. "Maybe." I bit my bottom lip. "Do you guys think I should drop Seoul University and go with Seonghwa?"

They all stopped what they are doing and stared at me.

"Are you crazy?"
"Are you insane?!"
"Bitch! Fuck no!"

We turned to Jongho. I didn't not expect him to have such a strong reaction to that.

"You are not dropping that damn school just for him." He reached over, grabbed my collar, and pulled me. "He is not worth you risking your entire future. You are going to that damn school."

I held onto his hand. I wasn't able to get his hands off me.

"Yeosang, you may really like Seonghwa but that doesn't mean you should throw away something like that. Nobody is worth you throwing away your life like that. You have worked too damn hard for that school."

Yunho and Wooyoung were able to get him to let me go.

I sat back down correctly. I lowered my head. "I'm sorry. I didn't think it was that serious."

"Yeosang. It is serious. You already worked so hard at this point. Don't give it up." Yunho smiled. He got up and Jongho followed after him. They both left.

Wooyoung sat there and stared at them.

He quickly turned to me once they were out of sight. "Do you really want to go to the same college as him?"

I nodded.

"Then ask him where he is going and tell him you're willing to go with him."

"I already asked him. He told me that I didn't need to worry and he would be upset if I dropped Seoul University." I sighed. "I already promised I wouldn't drop it."

He groaned. "Of course he is going to say that. He isn't going to out right tell you that he wants you to drop the school of your dreams that you worked so damn hard for. Was there anything that might hint at him wanting you to drop it?"

I thought about it for a while. "I don't think so."

"You need to sit him down and have a serious conversation with him. Tell him how you're feeling. Tell him you're willing to go wherever he wants. Tell him you want to stay together."

I nodded.


"But what?"

"Yeosang, you seriously have been working so hard. Seriously think about it. This is a huge decision to make. I get about wanting to stay with him but you got to remember following him around and making him your whole life isn't going to get you anywhere."

I sighed. "I know. I just... I don't want to be away from him."

"Yeosang. You need time to yourself. You're attached to him. Make sure to focus on yourself instead of focusing so much on him."

I huffed. "When the hell did you start giving out good advice?" I laughed.

He shrugged. "I'm just that smart. Duh." He rolled his eyes. "But did I sound smart though?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Yes!" He started to dance. "But on a serious note. You need to think about this before making such a big decision."

"I know."

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