41 - Yeosang

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It's the last day of the semester and tomorrow is officially the first day of summer break. We had gotten our scores back and... it was very anti-climactic. We ended up with the same exact scores somehow. Shrugging it off and just throwing the papers to the side. Seonghwa and I had already done things and taken a shower.

I got a text from Wooyoung. I rolled over on top of Seonghwa. He let out a groan. "You're so heavy."

"Well, you're a bitch. So suck it."

"I did. Earlier today."

My cheeks felt hot. I slapped him on the back of his head.

"The abuse is real." He laughed. "Well, anyways I need to pack. I leave tomorrow." He sighed.

My heart sank. I forgot about that. I don't want him to go. "Do you have to go?"

"I don't like being trapped on campus. Im actually surprised how fast this semester has felt."

"I don't want to be here by myself. Please?"

"Then go home."

I shook my head. "I don't want to."

"Then... How about you come with me?"

"Are you serious?"

He nodded. "Yeah. It's not like my parents are going to be home most of the time." He sat up. He ran his hands up my thighs. "Not only will you not be alone but you get to spend all of summer break with me. We will get to have a lot of fun. Just the two of us. Yeah?"

"Just us?"

"Yeah. We will get to do whatever we want." He then slapped my thighs. It startled me and it hurt.

"Now. Get your ass off and get packing." He picked me up and took me to my room. He gave me a kiss before he went back to his. I sat on the floor. What just happened? I listened anyways. I took my suitcase out from under my bed. Opening my closet. I started to take my clothes out and put them in.

It didn't take long.

I finished quickly. Bringing my suitcase to the front door. I went to Seonghwa's room. I flopped onto his bed. "I done."

"I'm almost finished."

He threw one thing in, closed his suitcase, and zipped it up. "Ok. Now I'm done."

I giggled. "You're so stupid." He flopped on top of me. "Oh fuck that hurt." I breathed out.

He rolled over me. He pulled me closer. He kissed the back of my neck.

If he keeps doing that I'm going to get in the mood.

He slid his hand around my thigh before he slid his hand in between my legs.

Ok, now I'm in the damn mood again.

"Seonghwa." I moaned.

He pushed me onto my back. He covered hovered me. He took his shirt off. He took mine off.

"Did you know BTS had a recent comeback!? My dumbass apparently didn't notice they had a comeback three months ago."

I facepalmed. It was fucken Wooyoung. He barged in. Luckily he hasn't seen anything yet since he is too busy looking at his phone.

Seonghwa and I pulled away from each other and put our shirts back on.

"This bitch." I whispered. I'm actually fucken pissed. No matter how many times we lock that damn door they just barge in like it doesn't even exist... That's right they have for some reason made copies of our keys. I need to take those damn keys away!

I ran out of Seonghwa's room and pushed Wooyoung back towards the door. "Why are you here?"

Wooyoung looked up and around. "Oh, this isn't San's dorm. Damn it, I got off on the wrong floor again." He kissed me on the cheek. "Sorry." He left.

You can't be serious. I got cocked blocked by my best friend because he doesn't know how to fucken look up from his damn phone.

I slammed the door. I'm pissed.

Seonghwa dragged me back into his room. He pushed me back onto the bed. We quickly took our clothes off and continued.

He really did make me a moaning mess.

Once we were done, we took a bath together.



"If you don't mind me asking. Why don't you like going back home?" He asked.

"Because my parents don't like me."


"Yeah I get to see my parents but they look at me like I'm such a disappointment. They have this stupid mentality that you need to be better than everyone else. It's exhausting to be around them."



"No wonder I've never seen your parents. They're fucken dickheads."

I nodded.

"But... I wonder how my parents are going to react to you coming over. I mean I told them we are technically getting along but that was when I had recently visited them."

"You've talked shit about me to them haven't you?"

"A lot."

I giggled.

"But for some reason, they didn't seem surprised that we were getting along now."

"But I still can't believe that I'm going to meet your parents." He and I have been barely getting along.

He shrugged. "Only Hongjoong, Mingi, and San have met them. No one else. Never been interested in anyone. Well..." He pulled me closer. "Actually... I recently noticed that I actually liked you for a while now."

I quickly turned around and stared at him. "What?"

He nodded. "I was such a stupid kid. Since you were so smart, I wanted to impress you by one-upping you. So then I continued to try as we got older until I just got so deep in that I somehow started to dislike you..."

"Bro! What?!"

"I was such a stupid kid."

"You liked me for that long?!"

He nodded.

"I have something to confess then." I said.


"I might have been the same way but since you were kind of being mean to me, I decided to act mean back and I was just in too deep also."

"God, we are so fucken stupid."

"Yeah but we should get out though."

Laying down flat on my stomach in Seonghwa's bed. I let out a sigh. This felt nice. A little startled when he started to kiss up my back. "What's up with you?" I giggled. It kind of tickled but it still felt nice.

"Nothing." He trailed his hand up my side. My body shook. He kissed my shoulder before he kissed the back of my neck.

I rolled over. "What's up with all this affection?"

"Nothing." He kissed me. He would constantly give me quick kisses.

"You're so weird." I smiled.

"You are too."

I shrugged.

"Well, we got to get to sleep because we need to leave at ten if you want to meet my parents."

I nodded.

He pulled me closer. Wrapping my arms around him. Feeling so warm and comfortable like this made me feel so tired. So so tired. My eyelids felt heavy.

Falling asleep really quickly but the challenge was if we can actually get up in time.

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