1.5 Day 1: Games & A Show (past)

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THE PAST - 8 years ago


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I have never been this comfortable being near someone or having them touch me. My foster parents aren't ones for physical affection. So I'm not used to it. But from what I can tell I like Lucas's hand in mine.

I don't know where he is taking me but it's hallways upon hallways. I wouldn't be able to find my way out if I had to. He stops in front of a door opens and holds it for me. Upon entering there are tons of presents, stuffed animals, flowers, gift bags, and some boxes. There's candy and tons of food all over the place covering the counters. As well as a mini fridge stocked with all sorts of drinks.

I can feel my eyebrows raise as I walk inside. All this food and sometimes there wasn't any at my house. I hope it doesn't all go to waste. There's a sofa and a game system set up on a humongous TV. Along the back wall is a bunch of clothes on a lined rack. Further walking inside there is a bathroom on the right with a walk-in shower.

Feeling his eyes on me I turn to him. He's been watching me this whole time. "I need to shower and get ready for rehearsals," Lucas says to me.

"Alright," I smile and start to head out of the room.

"Wait, wait. Where are you going?" He asks alarmed.

I turn around confused. "Back outside." Not understanding I feel my eyebrows pinch in the middle.

"What?" He says sounding offended. "I meant you can stay in here. Just that I'm going in the bathroom to get ready."

"Oh," I feel my face blush in embarrassment.

"Stan, you can stay outside ---" Lucas starts to say but Stan interrupts him.

"No, I'm staying in here." Stan says as he side-eyes me.

"It's fine just wait outside," Lucas says in what I can tell is an irritated tone.

Stan brushes by me and sits on the couch and puts his feet up on the table. Lucas goes to say something but I cut him off. "It's okay, I could use the company while you're getting ready."

I sit down close next to Stan and turn on the tv and the game console. "Do you know how to play this game?" I point to it on the screen.

"Of course I do. I'm a pro." Stan grabs a controller for me. "I play on pc though so let me get on Lucas's laptop.

Lucas is just watching us the whole time. I look up into his gorgeous gray eyes and raise my hands like I'm shooing him away. His mouth drops open in shock. Stan starts cracking up laughing. Shooters are the only games I'm good at because it's the only kind of game I play with my foster dad. He is the only one I consider the closest to a father figure. Playing this game with him is the only time I felt fractionally wanted.

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