2 Day 1: Stay With Me (past)

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End of Day 1

End of Day 1

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We had to spend an hour more waiting to leave the backstage room to make sure everyone had cleared out. It is late at night around two am and my eyelids are getting heavy. I'm walking like a zombie out to the car. My hand is in hers and I tighten my grip to get her to look at me. Her cobalt blue eyes are locked on mine so innocently it grips my heart. I can't believe she agreed to stay with me.

I finally don't feel alone in the world with her by my side. I've been alone for as long as I can remember. It doesn't matter how many people surround me I am lonesome all the time. I know I just met her but I have a strong feeling about this, about her. I just hope she feels the same.

My eyes close for a moment and the car hits a bump and I awaken. My head is on her shoulder and her hand is cupping the side of my face to keep it there. She tilts her head and places it on top of mine. No one has ever touched or cared for me like she is doing right now.

My parents were never affectionate they saw me like a dancing monkey. They constantly pushed me into contests and into shows. I was just a future payday to them. While I love my job I missed out on my childhood. I'm still missing out on life now.

I suffer from a lot of depression and having Jen around has been keeping it mostly at bay. So far her presence makes me happy which I haven't truly felt in a long time. Before her, I would have small glimpses of happiness but it tends to never stay. My fans only see the fake mask I put on every day. I don't show them I'm struggling. It tends to wear down on me.

Earlier when she joked about Mitch I was in the throws of depression but she smiled at me and laughed and the cloudiness in my mind cleared. I felt her sunshine breaking through me lighting everything inside me up. I'll do anything to keep that. To have her with me as long as she allows.

We're currently in the lobby of the hotel. The hotel's theme is the 1920's even the hotel employees are dressed for the part. There's a cocktail bar off to the side with swing music coming from it. She is currently tapping her foot to the beat and nodding her head. Even though I'm exhausted I can't help myself.

I squeeze her hand to get her attention and she smiles at me so genuinely my heart stops. "Follow my lead." I grin at her and maneuver my hand to twirl her out from me. It was an awkward attempt but she laughs and I twirl her to bring her back to me.

"Stop making a spectacle of yourselves," Brian says harshly. "Stan you'll be staying with them in their room. Your bags are already up there." He hands Stan the keys.

"That won't be necessary," I say wanting alone time with her.

"Oh it is definitely necessary," Brian says forcefully.

I start to get angry and am about to chew him out when Jen's grip tightens on my hand. She moves close so she's flushed against me and whispers "Pick your battles," My eyes move to hers and she smiles at me and nods her head towards the elevators.

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