6 Day 5: Linked (past)

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Lucas is taking me to another special place without telling me. The excitement is affecting my whole body to the point I'm practically bouncing and I can't remove the smile from my face. The car parks outside a building and because I am on the side near the street I can't see where we are.

Practically jumping out of my seat I rush the door open and exit the car. As soon as I take in the sign my eyes start bugging out my head. In vertical cursive lettering, it says tattoo shop. I look over to the other side of the car and I can see Lucas trying to take in my reaction. Walking over to him my eyes wide with confusion.

He takes my hands in his. "I want to get a friendship tattoo together so that no matter where we are in the world we are linked. All we have to do is look down and we automatically think of one another." My heart swells at the gesture. I start to cry and he looks at me with panic. I launch myself at him and hug him as tight as I can.

I pull back and wipe my tears away. Lucas grabs my hand and leads us into the shop. Stan enters the shop and asks for the person he spoke to earlier. He has all the tattoo artists in the shop sign NDAs. "You can tell no one of these tattoos and you can't use them in your portfolio. You can't speak of who they are. As far as you're concerned this appointment never happened." I notice one of the workers walks to the door and locks it.

"So what kind of tattoo are you looking for." The tattoo artist asks Lucas.

"My idea is they are both watercolor tattoos. Mine would be the moon with small clouds around it. Both tattoos would have an ombre look to them. But mine has some dark black parts along the outside. Mine starts as blue and fades to purple bleeding into her different shades of pink and orange with the sun in the center with hot pink clouds. Both will have sprinkles of stars in them. They would be positioned on our forearms so when we put them together it looks like one tattoo." He says with seriousness and specifics as he thought hard about this.

" He says with seriousness and specifics as he thought hard about this

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"Is that okay Jen? I put orange in it because you love it. You to me are my sun when the dark thoughts come your light shines them away. You're the sun to my moon." I remember how he said that to me at the pool. My heart constricts and I feel pain and joy all at the same time. Pain because he's leaving and joy because he truly thinks of me this way.

"It's perfect Lucas," I squeeze his hand and my eyes begin to tear. With his other hand, he wipes away each tear he comes closer and kisses each eye. "I've always wanted a tattoo," I say and smile excitedly at him.

"I know you said you like guys with tattoos so I might as well get one." He smirks at me sexily.

I move into him and capture his mouth with mine. The tattoo artist starts a sketch of what they think we want. It takes a while but we pass the time asking each other tons of questions and what-if scenarios. The artist comes over to Lucas and shows it to him. "That's perfect! It looks exactly how I wanted it to."

"Alright, then who is first?"

"I'll go first. Is this a bad time to say I'm afraid of needles?" He laughs nervously.

"Oh no! Lucas!" I exclaim worried.

"It will be fine, just make out with me the whole time." His eyes smolder and I can feel mine showing him how much I want him. "Don't look at me like that or we won't be able to get tattoos. We will be busy elsewhere." His voice deepens as he says this.

Stan gets a chair and places it near where Lucas is sitting down. Lucas lays his arm on the table and the buzz of the gun sounds. Lucas jumps at first but I caress his free arm and his face turns to me. His gray eyes trap me in a snare and I couldn't resist staring back even if I needed to. The gun hits his skin and he winces. Immediately to try to distract him I place my lips upon his.

We make out the whole three hours he is getting his tattoo. Once it's finished it's my turn. I have to sit differently because it's the opposite arm than his. From this position, we can't make out but he rubs my back and caresses everywhere as I get mine done. It hurts really bad. I didn't think it would be this bad.

The three hours are up and mine is now done. We align our tattoos and I look up at him pleased and happy. He is looking at me exactly the same. The tattoo artist bandages our arms and gives us papers on how to take care of and maintain the tattoos.

We leave hand in hand and go back to the hotel. We spend the night playing games on Lucas's laptop and taking pictures of each other on his phone. In bed, we talked about how in the future if we would meet again we would go back to the theme park. We talked about how we would plan our day and where we would eat. Neither one of us slept. Time was passing by quickly. I dreaded every millisecond that passed by.

Linked By Ink ( ONC2024 ) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now