3 Day 2: Arcade (past)

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My eyes flutter open and come in contact with gray eyes. His eyes closed quickly to pretend like he wasn't just watching me but I caught him. "I caught you," I say with a groggy voice. He opens his eyes and he gives me a small grin.

"You snore so cutely." He says and then leans in and nuzzles his nose against mine.

"That's not how my foster sister put it. It drove her crazy. She would throw things at me in the middle of the night." I frown at the thought.

He laughs pats the hair back from my face and tucks it behind my ear. His hand lingers for a few moments and then he pulls it back. I wish he kept his hand there. I liked the feeling of it. Just like last night. That was the most intense and hottest moment of my life. I take his hand into mine and hold it. The smile that he gives me from this one simple action is priceless. His whole face lights up and he has a smile from ear to ear.

I get up first and get ready for the day. Lucas and Stan follow suit dressing in their disguises. Lucas takes my hand and we leave the room and go down to the lobby. Stan goes ahead of us to look outside. There are paparazzi outside and the tension between all three of us is strong. The car is waiting for us so we all get in with no problems. "Where are we headed?" I ask Lucas.

"The mall." He gives me a grin. I grin back but I'm nervous I don't want him spending money on me. I'm not sure how I can get the money to pay him back. I'll just have to fight my foster parents to let me keep my pay. I hope he realizes I'm parsimonious.

The ride doesn't take so long and the driver pulls us up to the entrance. "Make sure you go get some food Brandon, don't just sit here waiting for us. We can always call you if we are here and you're not. I know you don't like leaving your post." Lucas tells the driver. He is so considerate it makes my heart swell.

"Okay," Is all Brandon says sounding like he wont. I watch as Lucas shakes his head.

"So stubborn." He says under his breath but I could hear him.

"I've never actually been in a mall so this is exciting." I laugh as he grabs my hand and helps me out of the car. He is looking at me with both eyebrows raised. "You need money to shop, what's the point of coming here if you have none." I roll my eyes at him. We head inside and he takes me over to the map of the mall.

"Take a picture of this Stan. My phone is cracked my phone company store is just around the corner." Stan walks over and does just what Lucas asked. "Stan get me a new phone." Lucas hands over his old one.

"How about we go to the arcade?" Lucas asks with excitement.

"Sure, I would love that!" I say and Stan grumbles.

"I'm not leaving you two. It's not safe." Stan insists.

"We will be fine." Lucas groans and he takes my hand and walks us off. He pulls me over to the escalator and we hop on. It takes a few minutes but we are on the next floor now. I can hear the game noises from here. To the right is a gigantic arcade full of tons and tons of games.

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