11 TV Show (present)

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I've been anticipating the moment Lucas walks in. The thought of seeing him in person again gives me chills. I saw the news report of him trying to find me. Every time I think about it I begin to cry ugly tears.

I even watched the video where Rita said I was dead. To her knowledge I was. His reaction clenched my heart. He did care. I can feel myself starting to cry again. The only thing I don't understand is he says I didn't come back for him when I did. Brian and Stan must have lied to him. The fact that he didn't trust me in the first place reminds me that I'm bitter and I begin to put up my walls.

Jonah gives me a wary look like he doesn't know what's going on. The cameras begin rolling and they are pointed towards me.

Lucas enters with Stan and Rose and another bodyguard I remember but don't know their name. He looks so sexy I can feel my eyes roaming over every inch of him as if they had a mind of their own.

The white tank top he's wearing has cap sleeves and half the side of his body is shown from the arm hole. His full chest and side tattoos are exposed. Every inch of him has tattoos there is no blank skin left. The sexy neck tattoos that is sticking out the collar are probably my favorite ones. He's wearing a pair of fitted dark blue denim shorts that are frayed on the bottom. His calves are covered in colorful tattoos. He is even more attractive than I remember. Fuck.

In the next second Jonah is draping his body over mine. Lucas's eyes widen not expecting to see this. "I'm okay, Jonah," I tell him even though I don't feel fine.

"No, you're a mess come talk to me," Jonah says worried.

"I can't he's here." I push him off and walk up to Lucas. Sticking my hand out for a handshake I wait for him to accept it. He smiles genuinely and puts his hand into mine.

Once our hands connect there is an electric jolt that shoots into our palms. We both stare at each other with our eyes wide.

"Static cling, what were you doing running your feet on the welcome floor mat?" I say to defuse the situation. He nervously laughs and looks uncomfortable but doesn't say anything.

"It's very nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan." He says to me his grin growing.

"Let's see the tattoo," I say trying to rush this along. I don't think my heart can take too much exposure. I grab his left arm and bring it to me looking down at the tattoo.

It takes me a moment but I realize that I'm an idiot and I'm not supposed to know where the tattoo is. He has a full sleeve of tattoos. Except where our tattoo is he has a thick circle of skin so no other tattoos are touching it. I grab his other arm to not look suspicious and I can feel him get goosebumps under my hands.

"You must be cold in here we keep the AC on high. Sorry about that." I decide to deflect.

"Yeah cold," He says trying to be dismissive. "This is the tattoo," He turns his arm up to me. He kept it pristine but I can tell some of the color has faded.

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