8 Day 7: Love Lost (past)

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Lucas is staying with me until the last possible moment he has to leave. We spent all day with him teaching me how to play guitar and singing our favorite songs together. It's nighttime now and the hand on the clock is moving faster and faster. I can feel the tick tick tick in my chest counting each second until he is gone.

"I have to do a few phone interviews," Lucas says then kisses my forehead so gently it makes my insides flutter. "Do you want to go next store and get us some iced coffees and a snack?"

I roll more into him and kiss him on the lips. "Okay," I say breathily while running my finger down his chest and lower. He starts heavily panting and it's music to my ears.

In the next minute, I'm flipped around onto my back with him on top of me. Quickly he places his lips on mine and kisses me with so much pressure that my lips might bruise. My heart races and I can barely breathe.

He pulls back and now we're both breathing laboriously. I can feel my hair splayed across the pillows. "You're so beautiful." He says while staring at me his striking gray eyes connecting with mine. I'm looking up at him with so much adoration it makes me feel dizzy. "I want you," I whisper to him.

His gray eyes darken into a deeper shade. "Not again, I let it happen once. I'm not getting shit from Brian when he finds out." Stan says aggravated.

"I don't want him getting in trouble and you do have your interviews. I'm sorry," I say with my eyes showing how bad I feel.

"You never have to apologize to me." He rubs his nose against mine. He kisses me passionately again then rolls off of me.

"Stan go with her. It's nighttime. I won't be able to think straight if I don't know she's safe out there." The sounds of puppies yapping come from the other side of the room.

"She's just going down the street." Stan starts to protest. Lucas gives him the evil eye. I've never seen Lucas look so angry. I feel so happy no one has ever cared about me this much. My throat begins to constrict and it's hard to swallow. Fighting it I hold my back tears.

"That means I have to get in disguise!" Stan whines.

"Just do it," Lucas says roughly.

Stan turns away from Lucas and I can see the pissed look on his face. He glares at me as he passes by. I wait for him to get changed. I can hear the door click open and Brian walks in. I can see from here his eyes are wide and bloodshot. He has a bit of white powder under his nose. Noticing me look at it he quickly rubs it off before Lucas can see him.

Stan exits the bathroom. "Ready?" He asks and I nod and get up to follow him out.

"Where are you going?" Brian asks angrily.

"She's going to get us coffees down the street," Lucas says raising his voice at Brian in an irritated tone.

Stan walks out of the bathroom and out the door and I follow. We exit the hotel and a man comes up to me. "Do you know what time it is?" I can tell by the camera he is holding he is a paparazzi. "No sorry I don't have a phone."

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