12 Orphanage (present)

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I'm filming an episode of Linked By Ink when Lucas walks in with Stan. He's an hour and a half early. My eyes don't leave his body as I watch him walk in to sit in the waiting room area. I don't know how long I've been leering but my customer cleared his throat in humor.

I quickly look down and begin his tattoo giving it all my focus which is hard with Lucas here. I am almost done and finishing the final touches. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. But you have a positive, you're getting married again. You're in love. That woman is gone and better out of your life."

I smile at the customer and I put his bandage on. "I love the cover-up, you did an amazing job." The customer looks at me so happy and elated like a weight has been lifted off his chest.

"Can I get a hug?" He asks hopeful.

"Most definitely," I smile and walk around my workbench and pull him to me. I grip him hard. "Good luck with the wedding," I say as I let him go. He walks past Lucas and makes his way out the door. The cameras turn to Lucas because he is here and they want extra drama for the show.

I make my way over to him with my eyebrow raised. "You're early," Our eyes connect and his look completely empty and void.

"Well, I brought these for you to sign." Stan holds the books out to me. It's my art collection. I slick my finger down the spines. He has every single one. One of which there were only a hundred copies made.

"Bring them over here to the front desk," I say while making my way over there. I take a marker out of the holder. Stan places the pile on the counter. I grab the first one which is the more rare of the books. I sign my name big and then under it I write 'If what you say is true you are the sweetest person I ever met and I'm glad I met you.' My stomach drops.

"I honestly didn't think you liked me when we met the other day. You were pretty harsh," He says his voice sounding dejected.

"I'm still trying to make up my mind about you," Which is honest. I love him and want him I just don't know if I can ever see past the hurt.

For a long time, I felt meeting him was the worst thing that happened. The hurt part of me felt that way. Seeing him today and hearing his side of the story I am happy I met him again. I leave the book open so it can dry on the counter. He comes over and bends to read it. There's no way I can look him in the eyes so I take another book.

I sign my name and then write "You have beautiful eyes and your smile is not so bad too." I smirk, close the first book, and then place the second book on top of that one.

The next book I take from the pile. "This book is my favorite one. The fans weren't so hot for it though." I sign my name and write 'I love your tattoos but especially the neck ones.'

"It's my favorite too! Each piece is grim but majestic."

I grab the last book. I sign my name and write 'Your music is mediocre but I won't hold it against you.' Then I draw a happy face.

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