4 Day 3: Theme Park (past)

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We are in the car and on the way to our destination. Lucas won't tell me where we are going because he wants it to be a surprise.

In no time, I'm looking out the window to see the iconic structure of one of the most famous theme parks. "Really?" I say excited. "We are coming here?" My voice squeaks. My happiness is short-lived because there's no way I can afford this. "We can't there's no way I can afford to pay this back."

"It's a birthday present Jen that doesn't need to be paid back," Lucas says in a pleading voice trying to persuade me.

"I can't accept this." I turn away from him and look out the window. It's quiet for some time we remain parked and no one moves.

For some reason, I need Stan's approval and I don't know why. I direct my attention to Stan his eyes soften he smiles and nods toward Lucas. Feeling a weight off my shoulders I happily decide to accept. "Okay, since it's a birthday gift and because you want to go."

"Yes!" Lucas says ecstatic. "Let's hurry up and get in line before they let people enter." He lightning speed exits the car and pulls me out after him. I begin laughing a smile taking up my whole face. He tugs me along and he begins running and I almost fall over. I catch my footing and start running with him.

A lady is handing out maps so Lucas takes one excitedly. "What do you want to do first?" He opens the map and leans into me so I can see clearly.

"Well, I've never been here before. Let me read the little descriptions." I point my finger to the map and drag my finger along the words.

"This one sounds interesting it's an educational ride about the study of the cosmos and what was learned from it. It's just as we walk in."

His eyes grow wide with awe. "I'm excited about this ride! Going there first sounds like a great plan. Where do you want to go after that?"

"Well, this movie is also amazing, let's go there. It's close to the other."

"Good ideas, I have lunch planned at a restaurant I've always wanted to go to here. There's a ride near there that's themed the same. So after all those rides, it will be time for lunch.

"After lunch, I want to go on this ride because it is one of my favorite movies. Can we do that ride after? Plus I heard that the line is long because the ride is popular. Depending on the times of the line maybe we can get on twice.

"Oh, I love those movies. That's a great plan."

"It also says here that there is a lightning show and a laser light show at certain times. We don't want to miss those." I say excited. "There are the two big roller coasters in the park I want to do."

"Oh no, you're not getting me on any roller coasters." His eyes grow wide.

"What's the point in coming if you're not going to ride all the rides? We got to do them all."

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