14 Epilogue

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2 years later

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2 years later


"Dad, I want to ride this roller coaster next!" Samantha takes my hand and begins pulling us to it. Riley starts hysterically laughing from behind us pushing the baby carriage along. "I can't I think Maddox needs to be changed. Too Bad Sammy, I'm sure Mom will go."

"Oh no, you promised to finish the date we started. We never got to ride the roller coasters. Jonah will take care of Maddox. Me and you are going on that roller coaster," Riley takes my hand and I look down at our hands her engagement ring and wedding band brushing my fingers.

The image of Riley walking down the aisle to me in that perfect white gown will eternally be imprinted into my brain.

"Dad, don't be a wimp," Samantha goads me. The look on Samantha's face as we asked her if we could adopt her is another moment I'll never forget.

I hear Maddox laughing adorably as Jonah makes silly faces at him. Being there for the birth of my son is one of the most precious moments I ever had and I will remember it forever.

Riley comes on one side of me and Samantha on the other. They both grab my hands and start pulling me into the line. I try to resist but both of them have strong grips. I give in and follow them. The line was about an hour long and every second that passed made me more of a wreck than the previous second.

It's our time and my eyes widen as I'm about to sit in the seat. I take my seat next to Riley. Rose sits next to me and looks as unhappy as I do.

Samantha is behind us with Chad. I look back at her and she is smiling at Chad with stars in her eyes. "Sammy poo, Chad is too old for you. Daddy loves you." I make kissy noises like I do when I usually kiss her cheeks. "Dad you're so embarrassing!" She yells while turning a deep red. I turned my head and the attendant was waiting for me. They put the harness on me and attached a little buckle lower close to my junk.

"Getting a little too friendly there," I look at his name on his tag. "Chuck," He looks nervous. "Sorry, Mr. King." He says but I laugh. "I was kidding, relax." He gives me a nervous smile. He steps off and the cart begins to move. I grip both handles in my hands. In the next second, the ride launched us at full speed. I start screaming my head off. I hear Riley cackling next to me. Rose is yelling fuck but I can barely hear them over my high-pitched screaming. A flash happens and I know there is an ugly picture waiting for me at the end of the ride.

I rode the first loop and it felt like my balls were in my throat. Needless to say, it was a very uncomfortable feeling. The huge drop is coming up and I freak out. "No, No, No."

"Get ready baby," Riley raises her voice for me to hear laughing like a loon. The freefall happens and instead of screaming I start to like it and begin laughing uncontrollably. I laugh for the rest of the ride.

At the photo area, we wait for our turn and I cringe at the thought of it. Riley points and howls with laughter. I squint my eyes and look at the photo. I look so scared my mouth is wide open in a yell. Of course, Riley is smiling brightly and looking like perfection.

"How was it?" Riley asks me smiling wide.

"It was a rush just like when I kiss you," I lean into her and press my lips onto hers. She places her arms on my shoulder and locks her hands behind my neck as we kiss passionately.

"Gross," Samantha says mortified. "Get a room." Rose and Chad laugh.

"I love you, Lucas." She whispers onto my lips.

"I love you more, Sunshine," I say and grin because she hates it when I say I love her more. Payback for the roller coaster.

Her face scrunches up and I lean in and kiss her on the nose. I look into her cobalt blue eyes and get hung up staring into them. I won't look away and she doesn't either.

"I'm so lucky to have you," I tell her with all my heart.

"We still have one more roller coaster to go." She smirks.

"Okay... Maybe I'm not that lucky." She slaps me on the arm playfully. She holds my hand and pulls me towards my doom.

"This roller coaster is my favorite! It goes backward." Samantha says excitedly.

Oh fuck. "Anything for my ladies,"

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