10 Lucas Interview (present)

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"Are you sure you want to do this Lucas? This is the biggest news outlet there is. The story can reflect a negative light on you or you might not like what you find. There will be people who will lie just for a chance to meet you or hurt you. You may never find her." Stan asks me concerned his eyes having an intense reaction in them that I don't understand.

"I need to find her Stan It's all I've ever wanted since I lost her." My voice chokes up and I'm barely able to say the last words. My eyes flood with tears like a torrential downpour. I completely forget I'm in the middle of a room full of people watching me. I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a few deep breaths.

"We're ready for you Mr. King." One of the workers says to me. She is looking me up and down hungrily and it makes me feel sick. I don't want anyone looking at me like that but Jen.

On the stage is what looks like a weird piece of art but as I look closer it's actually a chair. I sit in it awkwardly and feel like the thing is going to tip over. The room I'm in is circular with a projection screen at the back showcasing the sun, sky, and a view of New York.

There are four cameras in the room pointed towards me. There are a few desks full of people all looking busy with headsets on. The interviewer comes over to introduce herself. "Hi, I'm Rita Morrison," She shakes my hand excitedly.

I look over her face and can tell she looks so familiar. Rita... Rita... Then it snaps in my brain. The vivid jade green eyes and the bright shade of auburn hair. This was the Rita, Jen was with at the concert. My heart races she could have the information I need.

"Hey Rita," I give her a flirty smile. I watch as her eyes become hooded. "Where did you grow up?" I ask her pretending to be curious.

"Orlando," She breathly says while stepping closer to me.

"I see," I nod my head and then turn from her to look at my phone snubbing her. I cross one knee over the other. I search for Rita and her father in my web browser. He's still rich. Not as rich as me but rich nonetheless. She went to an Ivy League college for journalism. There we go she went to Martin W. Smith High School. This is a huge lead I've never had.

"Two minutes!" The man behind the camera shouts. I put my phone away and watch as Rita scurries to her seat across from me.

Fuck! Now that I found this lead I feel compelled to research but this interview is important. We live in three...two..." The guy uses his index finger to say one.

"I'm Rita Morrison, and we're here with the distinguished Lucas King." She says ecstatically. "Lucas I have to say I've been a huge fan for a very long time. It's a dream come true to meet you today."

This show is live and I'm going to look like a complete asshole. "Well you see Rita, you could've met me eight years ago."

I watch as her brows furrow. "I could've? I don't recall having a chance..." She says confused.

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