5 Day 4: Getting Wet (past)

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We had room service for breakfast and as we ate it I sat in Lucas's lap the whole time. For lunch, we went to Molly's Malt Shop I mentioned on the first day I met him. It was so delicious and the ice cream was mind-blowingly good.

Today's dinner was special. We ate at the cocktail lounge downstairs in the lobby. Our food was amazing I got the oysters and he got the salmon. We danced to the rambunctious songs even though we looked silly. The slow songs were sweet and I loved having him that close. Our bodies pinned together so tight we could feel the inhales and exhales of each other's chests rising and falling.

It's late at night and we decide to go to the pool. Stan got us the key and the hotel's permission to use the pool this late.

Lucas takes his shirt off and places it on a chair by the pool. His chest is on display and I'm full-on drooling.

Being with him sexually is all I think about since we kissed. I want to be with him and I want it to be special so he remembers me. To reminisce about this time we spent together and I hope he cherishes it as much as I will.

I'm nervous about showing him this bikini he chose because it leaves nothing to the imagination. I unwrap my towel and place it beside his shirt on the chair. This is the most Lucas will have seen me without clothes. I catch his eye and his gaze is trailing up and down my body. There's a hunger I haven't seen from him before. I can tell it matches the same look I have in my eyes.

Stepping down each stair when I come to the end I swim down the other end of the pool. Laying down I begin to float and close my eyes. The water splashes letting me know Lucas is near. I turn my head and his eyes are closed and he is floating too. He is so fucking cute.

His wig is drenched and flattened to the sides of his face. Closing my eyes I let the water rock me into a peaceful state. Our heads are bumping each other as we lay here still and at peace. We stay like this for a while until I sit up and he does the same. He swims towards me with purpose in his eyes. He brushes his body up against mine and pushes us back until my body is against the wall.

"Tell me more about you. I know you've said you had a foster sister." His eyes are probing mine.

"Yeah, my birth parents got me taken away from them but that's all I know. I was just a baby. The Williams who are my foster parents took me in when I was around nine. I lived in an orphanage before that. My foster parents aren't like actual parents they only see me as a money transaction. They get a check for me living with them. As well as they also take the paycheck that I get from my job. I work as a waitress at a little restaurant down the street from my house." I stop and see if he is still paying attention. His eyes soften and he looks at me like he understands.

"My parents also only saw me as dollar signs. They groomed me to be an entertainer at a young age. They placed me in contest after contest, show after show. I didn't get to play like other kids. We were always on the road or I was at lessons. When I hit it big they squandered all my money and spent it frivolously. I got emancipated at sixteen. I haven't spoken to them since. They tried to reach out but I blew them off." He says and I can see the pain in his eyes.

"What's your favorite color? Mine is blue." He says with his eyes looking at me with affection. No one has ever looked at me that way before. I like it and hope to see it more in the short time we have left.

"Orange," I say then smile at him.

"Favorite food?" He asks with a grin on his face.

"Pepperoni Pizza," I say and then lick my lips. His eyes watch my mouth and then he looks back into my eyes and there's a fire in them. I begin to feel warm all over even though the pool is cold.

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