7 Day 6: First Time (past)

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We have been spending all day in bed watching the John Wick series. Having her in my arms all day and being able to caress her and kiss her feels right. I want her for the rest of my life. I roll to face her and tuck my hand under her shirt. I move my hand lifting her bra and cup her bare breast. My thumb rubs up against her nipple and she gasps out her back arching off the bed.

"Stan, you need to leave for an hour," My voice is deep with arousal.

"I can't Brian would kill me," He says annoyed.

"Leave your room key and come back in an hour." I retort.

"For fucks sake Lucas you wont be happy until I'm fired."

"I'm your boss, not him." I snap.

Stan lets out a growl of frustration, drops his key on the table, and walks out of the room. "Sorry about that," I say softly to her. I rub my thumb over her nipple again, and she moans.

"Do that again," She asks breathily and her eyes are showing me how badly she needs me. I do as she asks and she moans louder this time. I kneel on the bed and lift her up. I pull the shirt over her head and throw it behind me.

I move off of her and stand next to the side of the bed. I take all my clothes off and then position her so I can remove her shorts and panties. Her panties are the white lacy ones which makes me so aroused I almost become undone. I can feel the precome starting to leak off my tip. I catch her staring at my erect dick with hooded eyes.

I get back on the bed and place her in the center. She unhooks her bra and throws it off the side of the bed. I lay over her and go back to what I was doing before. I place my mouth around her nipple and lick in slow circles. Her body lifts off the bed and raises into me. Her fingers slipped through my hair and held the back of my head to her.

I decide to do the same to her other nipple. I flick my tongue up and down gently and I feel her squirm beneath me. I remove my mouth and look up at her with a proud smirk. I'm so happy I make her feel this way. She looks at me with a small smile and a fire in her eyes. Fuck, she wants me as bad as I want her.

I trail my finger down her body and rub down her slit. Her pussy is so wet and ready for me. "Is this how much I turn you on?" I insert my finger inside her and she gasps. "Tell me how much," I whisper.

"You're beautiful Lucas, and I love how it feels when you touch me, It makes me go out of my mind to a different place where I'm free and soaring in the sky," Her eyes show so much trust and honesty that It makes me feel my heartbeat thumping. My heart is beating so hard it's going throughout my whole body. I can feel it pulsing in my ears and pounding my temples. It's so intense I forgot to breathe.

I lay my body on top of hers my arms holding me up. "I've never done this before," I tell her softly.

"I haven't either," She says while staring up at me with peacefulness in her beautiful blue eyes. I can tell she wants to do this. That she is comfortable with me and she feels safe with me. I lean down and sensually kiss her lips ever so lightly.

"I'll be gentle I promise," I can tell my eyes are looking into hers with intensity. I line myself up and gently place the tip of my dick into her. She sighs happily and that gives me courage to go further. I delicately place myself in further and I can feel her pussy adjusting to me being inside her. It's so tight and warm that I feel myself almost wanting to come already. I look into her eyes and she is longingly staring back at me with such adoration my heart pauses in my chest.

Seeing she is okay I push myself in further. She winces a bit and I stop suddenly. "It's okay, keep going," She breathes out her voice filled with desire. Hearing that she is okay I continue. I'm all the way in now and I am biting my lip trying not to come. She gasps a little bit.

"You okay, sunshine?" I hover over her and she leans up to kiss me. Passionately she kisses my lips with a ferocity she has never shown before. I break the kiss and meditative breathe through my nose and mouth. I don't think she knows quite how much she affects me she is killing me.

"Please, don't stop." Hearing her plead makes my dick throb.

"I'm going to begin moving," I tell her as I pull out of her slowly and then place myself all the way back inside her. She moans and I can feel her pussy tightening around me. I can feel my body shiver from pleasure. I continue the torturous dance that we have going between us. She begins moving her hips up to meet me and I nearly go out of my mind my vision blurred for a moment.

As I enter her and place myself all the way inside I linger there for a moment. I moan out and I can feel her pussy clenching around me from liking what she heard. I withdraw myself from her and push my way back in and she moans loudly and I feel my dick twitch inside her.

This causes her to moan even louder. I lean on one hand grasp her breast and gently rub my finger against her nipple. She launches off the bed just when I am entering her and it pulls me in further. "Fuck, Jen. You feel so perfect. I never want this moment to end," I trail my hand down her body and place my finger on her clit and rub it in circles. She cries out in ecstasy.

"Lucas, will you always remember me?" She asks while our hips meet each other.

My breath catches in my throat. "I will never forget you, Jen. I promise." I lean down again and capture her mouth with mine. What she doesn't realize is I plan to take her with me. I don't know how she will react but I so fucking hope she will stay with me.

I press myself into her just right so that we both moan out together. I can feel myself about to come. I can feel her slickness on us I enter and remove myself multiple times until her head tilts back and her face looks like she is sending a silent plea out into the universe.

I feel her body quiver beneath me and that's all I can do I place myself in deep and come inside her. Spent I let my body fall onto hers. I feel our chests rising and falling against each other. Her fingers begin tracing circles on my back. "I wish I could freeze time, I want that superpower instead," she whispers into my ear. My body trembles at her sweet words and the closeness of her breath on my neck.

I bend down on my elbow align our mouths and kiss her with all the love I feel for her. I hope she can feel it down to her soul and know that I truly do love her. My soul belongs to her and it always will.

I roll off of her and pull her against my side and into my arms immediately. She hikes her leg up over my body and just this small gesture makes me want her again. We lay here for a moment but then she starts trailing her finger through the lines of my abs. I shiver pull her tighter to me and kiss the top of her head.

There's a knock on the door and I yell "Fuck." Both of us begrudgingly get up and change. I look at the bed and notice the blood stain and my stomach churns. I hope I didn't hurt her. I fix the blanket to hide it to respect her privacy. I let Stan back in and he is looking at me like he is proud of me but also annoyed. I blush at his knowledge of the obvious.

She is lying back in bed and watching my every move. I stalk over to her jump on the bed and land beside her. Her eyes light up with mirth and she laughs gently. I lay on my side and pulled her to me. We stare into each other eyes for so long that hours have passed. "Stay awake with me Jen, I don't want to miss any second we have left together." I'm afraid of what tomorrow will bring and scared of losing her. She begins crying and she hides her face in my chest.

Feeling like I'm choking I do the only thing I know how to do and I sing. I chose to sing "My Heart I Surrender" by I Prevail. It's quiet for a while. "Will you be mine forever, Jen?" I say with my voice cracking.

"I'm yours Lucas, I promise," Her voice catches and she starts bawling. I hear her gasping for breath.

I hug her so tightly that I'm probably cutting off her oxygen.

I raise my hand and begin playing with her hair. She leans back and looks into my eyes and I'm captured and I would let her keep me always. We lay here for the rest of the night. Lovingly touching each other and gazing into each other's eyes until the sun comes up. I won't sleep I'm afraid of tomorrow I don't want it to come.

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