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After the hotel was rebuilt, almost everything was back to normal. Except Cherry, Angel's best friend, she spent a lot of time under the frame that bore Sir Pentious's photo with the last egg boy that survived the extermination. Over Cherry, another person that started spending more time at the hotel, was Lucifer, Charlie's father, even though he didn't get along very well with Alastor...but that was nothing new. Besides these two new guests it was always the same routine for the others: Husk behind the bar, Nifty ran around cleaning the entire hotel from top to bottom, Angel who annoyed Husk regularly, followed Charlie's classes and then disappeared to work until at least 11 pm if not later. Cherry Bomb followed Charlie's lessons but was not very inclined to leave her life in hell and be redeemed so she didn't really care to listen, but she liked the company of her best friend and maybe she started to enjoy the other demons' company too.

It was a boring day like any other day, as Husk said. He was behind the bar, drinking his cheap booze as usual, Charlie and Vaggie were sitting on the couch talking about what argument should the next lesson be about, Husk wasn't really listening to them, the cat demon was just drinking without any thoughts in my minds, until he heard Charlie's phone ring. She pulled out her phone from her pocket.

Charlie: "it's my father, why is he calling me? He lives here anyway"

Said Charlie looking confused at her phone

Vaggie: "maybe, he was out and had to call you"

-Charlie answered to phone-

Charlie: "dad?"

They couldn't hear, of course, what Lucifer was telling Charlie, but she seemed really excited.

Charlie; "omg really?! Did they tell you why?!"

Vaggie and Husk were listening to her, they were visibly curious about what was going on.

Charlie: "no no! I'll go! Ok ok! Thanks dad for telling me! Bye!"

Charlie hung up

Vaggie: "what's going on? What did your father tell you?"

Charlie: "Heaven want's a meeting with me! I don't know for what... What if they are mad? We killed Adam! What if they will tell me that they will anticipate the extermination once again?!"

Charlie suddenly became nervous about the meeting she accepted to have with heaven

Vaggie: "hey, Charlie, calm down, don't be nervous, it's going to go just fine! alright?"

Charlie smiled softly and nodded.

Charlie: "thanks, Vaggie"

Vaggie: "by the way, when's the meeting?"

Charlie: "in about an hour, they said it was important"

Baggie: "oh, what about your lesson?"

Charlie: "we can cancel it for one time, they can survive without us"

Vaggie: "alright alright"

Charlie: "we have to tell the others that the lesson is cancelled"

Charlie turned around to look towards the bar and towards Husk.

Charlie: "Husk, do you know where are the others?"

Husk took a sip from his bottle and then looked towards Charlie

Husk: "Angel is probably in his room, I saw Cherry going towards the photo of Sir Pentious, she is probably sitting there with the egg boy, Nifty is probably running around I don't know where and Alastor... No idea"

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